Thursday, September 18, 2014

Aboriginals adopted into white families want formal apology

Pay close attention to this article, these cases are in Canada, but the US is right there next in line... later, will it become the Irish children who were taken out of Ireland? Scotland? Korea? Children are taken ever day, and they grow up, they learn the truth of where they are from, and they were removed from their family and their culture.

The Capobianco's need to be very concerned, of course they still have that lawsuit against Veronica, but in the future, it will not prevent her from taking action against them. Due to all the media they have stirred, Veronica will no doubt learn the truth of the stealing from her daddy, family, and culture.

WINNIPEG — The Globe and Mail

Some aboriginal people who were adopted into white families during the so-called Sixties Scoop say it’s their turn for reconciliation and are calling for a formal apology from the federal government.

Dozens of adoptees gathered in Winnipeg on Monday to tell their stories – many for the first time – and figure out how to get justice. Coleen Rajotte was taken from her Cree community in Saskatchewan when she was three months old and raised by a Manitoba family. Adoptees were robbed of their real families and feel someone has to be held accountable, she said.

“If someone came into your home today, took your children and shipped them to the United States and around the world, we would want answers,” she said. “That’s what we as adoptees are asking for. Someone has to take responsibility for this.”

From the 1960s to the 1980s, thousands of aboriginal children were taken from their homes by child welfare services and placed with non-aboriginal families. Many consider the adoptions as an extension of the residential school system, which aimed to “take the Indian out of the child.”

Ms. Rajotte said she was lucky enough to be placed into a loving home, but she lost her language, her culture and her connection to her ancestral home. When she recently went to the home she would have grown up in had she not been adopted, Ms. Rajotte said it was overwhelming.

“I was physically ill for days just trying to process all of that,” she said.

But while residential school survivors have had a formal apology and are the subjects of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, adoptees haven’t been formally recognized.

“Personally, I would like to see some kind of formal apology to all adoptees that were taken from their homes,” Ms. Rajotte said. “That’s a lot of children – 20,000 children across Canada.”

A spokeswoman for federal Aboriginal Affairs Minister Bernard Valcourt said there would be no comment. “As this case is currently before the courts it would be inappropriate to comment further,” she said in an e-mail.
A class-action lawsuit launched by some survivors in Ontario in 2009 is slowly making its way through the courts. The lawsuit was certified, but Canada recently won leave to appeal that decision.

Manitoba Aboriginal Affairs Minister Eric Robinson said it’s time adoptees were given the same opportunity for reconciliation as residential school survivors. Some adoptees were put with families where they were treated as farm hands or subjected to horrific abuse, he said.

“It’s not an easy thing to talk about the hurts that many of them endured as children, not knowing who they were, being a brown face in an all-white school as an example,” said Mr. Robinson, a residential school survivor who organized the two-day gathering. “Those things are very difficult to talk about in this current day but they have to be addressed.”

Those adoptees at the gathering hope to emerge with a strategy for recognition and a sense of what supports they need to heal, he said.
“Compensation no doubt will come up,” Mr. Robinson said. “There’s got to be a certain degree of accountability by governments.”

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Lakota People's Law Project, URGENT

From the Lakota People's Law Project, please read, please share, please ACT NOW! These children depend on YOU!

The Lakota People's Law Project is working to create a permanent solution for Lakota foster children and families by creating Lakota run foster care. Unfortunately, we are unable to take on individual cases at this time, but through spreading awareness, we can all help to create the change that so many young children need.
Many of you are aware of the latent corruption that is involved in the Mette Case of South Dakota. For those of you that aren't aware, there's a brief summary below and more information can be found at: .
We ask you to contact Virgena Wiesler, the Acting Program Administrator for the Child Protection Services Department of the Department of Social Services in South Dakota. Please call, write, or email Ms. Wiesler telling her that you are aware of the activities and accusations that have been brought upon South Dakota's Depatment of Social Services and insist upon the release of the children from Wendy Mette's custody. These children have been through enough and they belong with their relatives that are more than able to care for them.
Contact Info:
Virgena Wiesler
Acting Program Administrator
Child Protection Services
Department of Social Services
Richard F Kneip Building
700 Governors Drive
Pierre, South Dakota 57501-2291
phone: (605) 773-3227
Mette Affair Summary:
The South Dakota Dept. of Social Services placed 7 Lakota foster children into foster care with a non-Native, known molester, Richard Mette, and his enabling wife, Wendy Mette, from 2000 to 2013. The DSS knew of the accusations against Mr. Mette, but still placed Lakota foster children with him.
The state ignored MULTIPLE complaints of sexual and physical abuse, and pleas for help from the children.
Brandon Taliaferro, the Assistant State’s Attorney responsible for criminal child abuse cases in Brown County, immediately began an investigation.
The police searched the Mette house and find more evidence of sexual abuse, including enough pornography to “pack a store”, including “family incest” porn.
The children revealed they had been subjected to physical abuse, sexual molestation and threats of being beaten if they did not comply with the molestation or if they told anyone.
The disgusted police charged Mr. Mette with 23 counts of child rape and incest, and Mrs. Mette with 11 counts of physical abuse and enabling.
The State prosecutor, however, first attempted to drop all charges, and charged sexual predator Mr. Mette with only one count of “spanking”. When the State was not allowed to do this, they decided to charge Mr. Mette with only one count of rape of a child under 10. The other 22 charges of aggravated child rape and incest were dropped.
The State then dropped all charges against Mrs. Mette, who the children said knew about and enabled the abuse.
The state then went after the Lakota childrens’ advocates instead! Rather than save the Mette children from a known sexual predator and his enabling wife, the state of South Dakota brought felony charges against Brandon Taliaferro, the attorney who started the investigation and advocated for the kids, and Shirley Schwab, the childrens’ Court
Appointed Special Advocate (CASA).
The judge acquitted the advocates of all charges, due to the state’s complete lack of evidence against Taliaferro and Schwab.
Children are now back with Mrs. Mette, where they can’t sue the State DSS. Since they are now minors in the custody of Wendy Mette, the person who enabled the abuse, they cannot sue the state without her permission and support.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Promises Made

People and friends keep me aware of what goes on within Facebook, personally, I am not a big fan of that kind of social media, but have learned there really are all types of people, some good, some bad, and all personalities to be found on social media.

So, the rumor begins within a private group on Facebook, a group of people who for whatever reasons, have a private group, these people are the ones who supported Capobianco's and in private, claim to have direct contact with them and Veronica. They claim that current photos of Veronica are shared with them. One of their more recent claims is very disturbing, that claim is, Veronica does not remember who Dusten Brown is. This is supposed to be a report coming right out of the Capobianco home.

Personally, I feel these people who are in the group, are troubled individuals. There are claims that Jessica Munday and Brad Cariofe head up this private group, but there is no confirmation to this, but the readers here can judge for themselves if the past of these two people supports the rumor that they are involved or lead this private group.

But lets have some common sense here, the first of which, is the Capobianco's claimed that when Veronica was forcibly removed from her fathers custody, and taken to South Carolina, that upon arriving at the Capobianco home, "Veronica remembered everything!" The claim was, Veronica, who was removed from their care at age 2, was gone two years, that this child remembered "everything"? I know for a fact that Veronica didn't even remember the Capobianco's after being gone for a year.

Of course, the Capobianco's wanted the public to think she remembered them when the released pictures of them playing with Veronica while she was on the Cherokee Nation grounds, but the simple truth is, she did not remember them, this child was playing with two people who at the time she had no knowledge that they would take her away from her daddy whom she loves and did not want to leave.

Remember all the times the Capobianco's claimed they "promise to keep her biological family a part of her life" they said this on national television, they said it to local news reporters in South Carolina and in Oklahoma, their words have been recorded, and quoted in news articles. How many times was this promise made on the Save Veronica pages?

Now, if it is true, that Veronica no longer remembers her daddy, that could only mean one thing, Capobianco's did not let him have contact with her, which would translate that they were making a promise they never intended to keep, they played some people for a fool who believed it hook line and sinker, OR the people who are currently making this claim, are liars, that Dusten Brown does have contact with his daughter and these people are spreading lies and rumors to hurt him.

Who is lying about Veronica's memory? You cannot have it both ways, that this child remembers everything in a house that she was removed from at age two, and did not see again for two years, and that after one year, she has no memory of her Daddy, Dusten Brown, whom she loves and adores.

Since I DO know people inside the Capobianco family, I can tell you that Veronica is growing, she DOES remember her daddy, she DOES ask to go home. It is said that Melanie, in private, has said that taking Veronica was not the best choice for HER, Melanie admits this child is having all kinds of emotional issues due to them removing her, but what they CANNOT DO is return her, because they do not want to admit they were WRONG, they do not want to confront the fact that this child, should never have been removed from her biological family, they cannot face the fact that if they stepped up with the situation, other current attempted adoptions that are being fought by biological families will be effected by them going public.

Melanie knows the only place Veronica wants to be is home with her daddy, Matt on the other hand believes she will "just get over it" and they do not understand that she WILL NOT "GET OVER IT" and I understand Matt's frustration, I don't understand his selfish need to hang onto this child who he KNOWS he has made miserable and sad with what THEY did to her! He cannot admit he is WRONG.

They WILL have to answer to Veronica, she WILL see this:

That is the law suit that the Caopbianco's filed against Veronica in Oklahoma. Such a pesky little fact, a fact that will NEVER go away. Of course we know, Capobianco's cannot sue the Cherokee Nation, as a Cherokee Citizen they cannot sue Dusten, and Veronica is a Cherokee Nation citizen as well, that does not forgive the fact that they NAMED HER in this law suit. A fact that Veronica will find in the future. There are way too many blogs, and websites on the internet for Veronica to find. Will they call everyone else a "liar"? Court documents do not lie.

What if, what if they have not allowed contact with Dusten and Veronica? If that has happened, Veronica will find that information as well, and again, her backlash to the Capobianco's will be a moment they are not prepared for.

Veronica will always deserve to know the truth, and the Capobianco's will tell her "their side" but she WILL find her Dad's side, and she WILL know she was always loved, and wanted by her family, and the people of the Cherokee Nation, she will know, Veronica "Ronie" Brown, will always be loved, and welcomed HOME, a place where HER people are, and she WILL return.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Troy Dunn, The Locator

Troy Dunn made his fortune by doing two things, first he helped found, to which he sold his share out, then he began charging to help locate family for adopted people, people who had been removed from their family, and for old friends to reunite.

Troy Dunn had a television show named "Troy The Locator" which has long ago been cancelled, he did try to get another show going, but that proved to be a total failure.

Many people who have been duped by Troy to pay for his services, have never gotten results, and all of the people who have given him money have learned the information he charged large amounts for basically free information! Yes, Troy is no magic maker.

Troy went on the Dr. Phil show to advocate for the Capobianco's during the time they were manipulating people into supporting them to take Veronica away from her daddy. Troy sat on Dr. Phil, and openly discussed his mother, keeping a packed bag by the back door, in case anyone ever came for her adopted son. Why would his mother have to do that? Because she was committing a crime. Troy Dunn stated his adoptive brother was Native American, so this would mean that his mother did not go through the proper procedure to adopt this child, she broke ICWA law. Worse, she was willing to take this child and run with him if the law should ever show up at her door!

First, lets take a look at Dr. Phil, here is this guy, who does not have a license to practice any kind of mental health issues, and only got his fame from being on Oprah. If not for Oprah, he would not be known today. But, Dr. Phil and his sponsors learned a great lesson, if you are going to debate a law, first learn something about that law, and don't allow fools like Jessica Munday try to explain these complicated issues, because, after he had the Veronica issue on his show, his sponsors seen a whole new kind of backlash that Dr. Phil was not ready for!

 Dr. Phil should recommend this reading to Troy Dunn as well.

Back to Troy Dunn, who seems to think that a Native child growing up in their culture is wrong, that white people must "save them" from this, and I am sure he thinks the best white people for the job are Mormon just like his mother, because he just seems to think it is what is in a child's best interest.

Lets see how this has worked out for the Dunn family... Meet Travis Joshua Dunn, the Indian adopted brother of Troy Dunn, this is what their way of thinking has done to Travis Joshua Dunn...

Notice the small print down in the lower right hand corner? That is no school photo, in fact, it is a booking photo, as it turns out, Travis has been in great trouble with the law, he has been a drug abuser, and this is why Troy Dunn would not say Travis's name on Dr. Phil, (he did slip up once and that was all that was needed)  This young man is lost, his adoptive mother, and his child stealing brother, took him to Florida where he would not be easy to find for the tribe to take him back.

Joshua's spirit is being called to come back to his people, this happens to all lost birds, the drum is calling for him to return.

Personally, I think Troy Dunn's mother should be charged with a felony for breaking a federal law that was made to protect Indian children...

There is one thing you can bet your bottom dollar on, Troy will not be helping Travis to find his biological family, because there is more to this story than he tells, and the skeletons are rattling hard in his closet.

We will never forget how Troy stalked Veronica, and her family, going onto restricted federal lands of the Cherokee Nation, he was trespassing, he knew it and did it anyway, all to get video of a family, because he planned on making a documentary about the Veronica case, oh boy, he thought he was going to make a lot of money off this little girl's tragic removal from her daddy! You could almost see Troy salivating as he talked to Dr. Phil about the documentary... in truth, Troy Dunn's documentary will be as popular with the sponsorship he needs as Casey Anthony was with her attempt, the difference is, Caylee is physically dead, Veronica was emotionally murdered....  Troy Dunn helped put Veronica into a lonely wooded area, only difference is, Veronica is being held captive by the Capobianco's.