Saturday, September 14, 2013

They Call Themselves Christians

There is a web page out there that was made to give the public information about Indian people that is false, misleading. The page is made, to fool the public, fool people and to frighten people into thinking Indian children need "saving" a large part of where the term "Save Veronica Rose" comes from.

Here is the page:

Here is just one example of false statements that was made on this page:
 "I witnessed this child being torn from its father, crying “daddy” and trying to cling to him for dear life. The transition time was 3 minutes, not even the hour that the Cs and Veronica were allowed. Shortly after this happened, I found CAICW, and unquestionably, Lisa has been a huge support in a vast sea of people who actively advocate for the ICWA, but many who do so have no idea of what a life confined to a reservation means to a child. There are few if any adults willing or able to speak out against the ICWA. Knowing that regardless of gender, it isn’t a matter of whether a child living on a reservation will be raped, trafficked or abused, but rather when, is a source of constant fear and anxiety for me now because I can do nothing but turn the situation over to our all loving God and trust that He and his angels will see fit to watch over and protect a young child I had come to love and would have gladly offered my life, time, love and financial resources to so that the child could fulfill its full potential."

First, the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma is not a reservation! Second, reservation or not, Indian people are not confined by it, we are free to come and go as we please! We are free to live anywhere in this country that we wish to live in! We are in your city, we are in your town, we are in your neighborhood, we might even live right next door to you!

We work, we are carpenters, lawyers, doctors, computer technicians, mechanics, nurses, fire fighters, police officers, EMS workers, and even politicians. There is not a job out there that a person who is of Native American blood has not had.

I would also challenge this author about watching Veronica being transferred to her father, Dusten Brown, because this was done in a law office, with no vast crowd who advocate for ICWA. In fact, it was the Capobianco's with their PR buddy, Jessica Munday who called for people to show up at the transition that was supposed to take place in a quite park! They called news cameras to come and record the event, at the last moment, the transition had to be moved to the law office due to the media spectacle THEY created around Veronica, causing her fear, and upsetting her.

We, the Indian people, are NOT prevented from speaking out about ICWA, we are not forced to support it either! Such a huge lie, and a bigger lie, is these words:

"Knowing that regardless of gender, it isn’t a matter of whether a child living on a reservation will be raped, trafficked or abused, but rather when,"

I am sure that makes many people so scared for Indian children! Oh my! We MUST save the children from this abuse! I call it a fear factor, this group wants the public to believe that Veronica will be raped, trafficked, and abused. This is not a matter of "if" it is a matter of "when"

I know a Indian woman, who is now a grandmother, during her time with her people, she states, not once did a Indian man ever put a hand on her in a disrespectful way. But when they moved to a town, where there were very few if any other Natives, and she was molested at age 14, not by a Indian, but by a white man, and it was not any white man, it was a man who worked as a Police officer! Of all the people to molest a child, this molester was someone who is supposed to be trusted, someone a child SHOULD have been safe with! But this Indian girl, was anything but safe. 

Now, do not get me wrong, rape, molestation, abuse, all of it DOES happen on Indian reservations and It happens in every city, every state, and every country. This is NOT just a Indian problem! IT is a HUMAN problem!

Each and everyone of us have read or seen the news where a child was beaten to death, a child was chained in a closet and refused food, horrible crimes against children! And not one city, not one town, not one state has not had this happen. No one race, not one culture, not one person has avoided either being a victim or knowing a victim of rape, or abuse. And that is a real sad statistic of the issue!

It is atrocious to turn a blind eye to what is happening in ones own neighborhood only to try to create fear and hate against a culture, a whole race of people. Yet, they claim to be "Christians"

They call themselves the "Christian Alliance For Indian Child Welfare" aka CAICW, but seriously, these people are no more Christian than I am the Pope! Their only purpose is to cause hate against minorities, to steal and traffic our children, by causing a fear within people, just like telling children there is a "boogeyman" outside just to create fear in them.

These people at CAICW are seriously evil, to spread lies and hate, that is NOT the Christian way. How dare they speak of what it is like to live in the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, when THEY HAVE NEVER BEEN THERE!

These people have a goal, that goal is to end Indian tribes, they want the rest of our land, and they want our most precious resources, they want our children.

The old Indian saying is "We are not defeated until the hearts of our women lay on the ground" WE WILL FIGHT THESE DEVILS!

Beware of those who are involved with this group! Jessica Munday currently denies her connection as does Troy Dunn known as the Locator, however they have been intertwined with this group!

Some names to watch for:  Christian Alliance For Indian Child Welfare, Coalition Alliance for Indian Child Welfare. CAICW, Roland J. Morris Sr., Indian Child Welfare Act, ICWA, Elizabeth Morris, Debra Belford, Andy Reum, Bonnie Hofer, Stephanie Helmholz, Rev. Cliff Stalwick, Troy Dunn The Locator, these are people who seek to ruin Indian families, their children and their culture, they firmly believe in "Kill the Indian, save the child"

Here are some screen shots from Christian Alliance For Indian Child Welfare showing who are supporting unethical adoptions, and the theft of Indian children from their loving families. 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Attack On Native Children

I decided to sit back for a few days to digest some of the things I have been reading on Facebook concerning photographs of Indian children in their traditional dress.

I have gotten permission to post a photo of a child who has been ridiculed by the supporters of Matt and Melanie Capobianco.

This little girl, who was three years old when her photograph was taken, was posted in support of Veronica Brown to have her best interest rights heard, along with supporting the United Nations statement of Veronica's civil rights.

The response to this photo came from a person named Candace Barnhart who uses this photo on her avatar for her Facebook ID

Now it must be pointed out, that Candace Barnhart is neither related to the child in the photo she uses, nor does she know that child.

What Candace Barnhart wrote following the photograph of the three year old child in her traditional buckskin dress, is this:

Candice Barnhart (September 10, 2013): "These photos are ridiculous. They totally ignore her other heritage! Disgraceful."

A three year old child, dressed in a buckskin dress, a girl who is proud of her heritage, a girl who is very much Native American, a girl that Candace Barnhart has no knowledge about, not even this child's name, somehow feels it is just to attack her because of how she is dressed.

I do not know about you, but where I am from, we call that racism.

Candace Barnhart  openly attacked with hateful words on a public message board ran by a member of the media, and the owner of that page, along with the station she works for, has allowed the hate to remain on the Facebook page.

The incident is here:

The place in Facebook this incident occurred is the page of news reporter Haley Hernandez of WCBD Television out of Charleston, South Carolina. Her Facebook page:

I understand that Haley Hernandez is a supporter of the Capobianco couple to remove this child, Veronica, from her loving, biological family in Oklahoma. She throws responsible reporting out the window and has a very biased view on the case.

Here is a photo of Ms. Hernandez:

 The link to the page of WCBD Television on Facebook:

The website to WCBD

Many other people came to the page of Ms. Hernandez to object to the posting made by Candace Barnhart decided to write more:

Candice Barnhart "What's funny is I don't have any hate in my heart for this child in the picture. What I do not like and what I think is ridiculous is you using images of young children in Native American gear to sway the hearts and minds of people when you could care less about the entire heritage of Veronica Capobianco. She is 1% Cherokee. It's incredible to me that there are so many who refuse to acknowledge this fact and think that one aspect of her heritage is more important than others. But, hey...hate away at my comment. It does not hurt my feelings. And no, Tara Falls and Crystal Golden-Anderson Stamey Thompson, keep reporting it, I will not remove it. Have a nice day."

WHAT?? I read this several times, and yes, she did indeed write "what I think is ridiculous is you using imges of young children"... Really? Have you checked your own avatar Candace? You are using the photo of a child to which you have absolutely no connection to! There is a word for you in the English language it is "Hypocrite" "Nothing is more unjust, however common, than to charge with hypocrisy, that expresses zeal for those virtues which she neglects to practice; since she may be sincerely convinced of the advantages of conquering her passions, without having yet obtained the victory," In my language, the word is "pelewichi" to which you, Candace Barnhart do not deserve a translation.

Of course Candace Barnhart was given a chance to remove her comments, but she refused, sending this as a answer: "Candice Barnhart
Too's the truth. Ignoring all of her heritage accept for one aspect is ridiculous. And so is using the image of another child to foster racism."

Now remember, this woman has no idea of who this child is that she has so publically, with vile intent, attacked, with the obvious blessings from the employee of WCBD Television, Haley Hernandez, because you see, Ms. Hernandez also refuses to remove the hate comments about this child from her Facebook page.

Since this incident began on September 10, 2013, more reports have been coming in of other supporters of Matt and Melanie Capobianco of photos with children dressed in their Native outfits being attacked by the same people that are friends with Candice Barnhart, and once I get permission, I will add the photo and comments by these people to this blog.

These kinds of incidents involving obvious hate for Native American children, their culture, and their tradition's are obviously coming from ignorant people. They are ignorant of how Native American people have survived with their cultures intact.

These people have openly supported Matt and Melanie Capobianco, and neither the Capobianco's nor their spokes person from Trio Solutions have stepped forward to denounce these hate comments towards small children. This causes a person to ask themselves, is this the view Veronica would be raised with if she is forced to move to South Carolina with the Capobiancos? Because no matter if she is 1% or 100% Cherokee, she is still a Cherokee child, who has been fully accepted by the Cherokee people, a child who is involved in the Cherokee cultures and traditions, and will always remember dancing with her people. There is nothing that will take this child's memories away, and nothing to prevent her from finding this in the future.

Will this child be raised being made ashamed of the culture she is part of? Will she feel insulted? How is she going to feel when someone says "Well she is only 1%"?

Rest assured, this child, if forced to South Carolina, will know, she is Cherokee, and even those people who yell the 1% and make her feel less than a person, she will be made whole again, when she returns to her people, and she WILL return, and that beautiful little girl in the buckskin dress who was attacked? She will be waiting for Veronica with open arms, back into the Indian community, because that little girl knows that no matter how much blood a Indian has, we are still a Indian community, we are all one family, no matter what tribe one is from


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Let's Thow Mom Under The Bus! The Price of Adoption

I was doing research on the Capobianco's, the couple who want to take little Veronica away from her biological, and loving father who she has spent two years with. I was thinking about Veronica, and what kind of values the Capobianco's will give to her.

As I know, the Capobianco's spent over $40,000.00 to attempt to adopt Veronica, this price is not in question as Melanie and Matt both have testified under oath to the cost. Matt states they even "borrowed money from family and friends."

I decided to do a records search on Melanie's mother, Raye Hagood in South Carolina using public records:

What I found is very disturbing. Mrs. Hagood is being sued for not paying a credit card debit of $20,530.49 on a credit card bill, the last billing date and demand for full payment was August 31, 2011. The attorneys representing the credit card company, State Farm Bank, sent Mrs. Hagood a notice dated September 20, 2012 and the law suit filed June 19, 2013.

I do not know if the money on this credit card bill went to Mrs. Hagood's daughter for Veronica, but what I do know speaks loudly of family values that the Capobianco's have.

Why would you move into a very expensive home, and spend thousands upon thousands of dollars to seek a unethical adoption, to remove a child from her biological father, of whom she is very much bonded to, with a step mother and grandparents who adore her, when in fact, you have thrown "Momma under the bus".

Yes, shame on YOU! As YOU hold press conferences, your public relation spokeswoman, Jessica Munday of Trio Solutions, speaks of how you can give this child "everything she wants or needs". We have all heard the speech about how YOU can afford the BEST of PRIVATE SCHOOLS for little Veronica, and yet, Mrs. Hagood sits with court orders because she is being sued.

Yes, there is Mrs. Hagood, holding a newborn Veronica, and Veronica's daddy was never informed that his child had been stolen from him.

Pretty pathetic isn't it?

You arrived in Tulsa, Oklahoma on August 13, and have been staying at the Hyatt in downtown Tulsa. This is the luxury you are enjoying while your mother has a court date for failure to pay on her very large credit card bill:

Personally, Matt and Melanie Capobianco I am very tired of hearing you whine about how you want Veronica, while the shocking fact of neglect is happening to your elderly mother.

You and your supporters claim you have "wonderful family values" and I must disagree, I believe, that you are the most selfish people I have ever seen. The manipulation of the supporters you have, and how you have used their generosity and giving nature to help you, is pretty evil.

Your priorities and morals are so lacking, that you should not have any child.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Oklahoma Bombing

A friend was coming over for lunch, while cooking I had the television on the news, my friend arrived, he sat at the bar and said "Another bombing in Beirut?" The date was April 19, 1995, I replied to him "No, it is Oklahoma City" he looked at me like I was telling a bad joke, and as the video of the officer running with a small girl in his arms played across the television, I said "It's the Alfred P. Murrah building".

No doubt the memory of that day is burned into my mind, like everyone else, I knew exactly what I was doing that day, and later, burned into our memories is what we were doing when we learned of 9-11.

These acts were from cowards. Acts by men who thought that through their violent acts against innocent people, would force their opinions upon others.

No doubt, I support Dusten Brown in his love for his daughter, Veronica. I do not believe two married people living in South Carolina have any kind of "right" to this child. She is loved and wanted by her father, her step mother, and her grandparents. These people are her family, Matt and Melody Duncan Capobianco are mere strangers to her...  If we all had a daddy like Dusten, this world would be a better place to be.

The people who support Capobianco's are rather confusing, they claim they want to "save" her, they want people to believe this child, who is so dearly loved, is in some kind of danger. And in reality, she is in danger! Not from her family, but the radicals who wish to take this child, take her and save the day for the Capobiancos!

The irony of it all... when to many of us, not much shocks us anymore, we have read the deliberate lies that Jessica Munday, the spokesperson for Capobiancos have said of Dusten Brown, how she misleads the situation, and we have watched people in the public believe what she says, they dare not have the courage to seek out the truth of the situation!

It was fairly shocking, but more concerning when this post popped up on a Facebook page ran by Jessica Munday for the Capobianco family, here is a screen shot of that posting:

This post is by Leonard Clifford Ripley, and he wrote "Brown belongs in jail! We are waiting to get him back to SC so he can see what true justice is! Oklahoma needs to be the first bombing target before we get Syria! What a bunch of idots! What is a "Sooner" , anyway? Oklahoma, where the wind blows across the plain.... and the people have no brains or morals!"

Who is Leonard Clifford Ripley? Well, he is a supporter of Matt and Melanie Capobianco, and most importantly, he is a Minister of the Midland Park United Methodist Church in Charleston, South Carolina!

Well, I guess we see where his "Godly" moral values are at.

Of course, he has gone public with the claim that he never wrote that! He claims that he "accidently" left his Facebook account open, and someone "unknown" to him wrote that! He claims he has even reported this to his Bishop.

I guess the Pastor can explain all this to the FBI, him being a man of God and all that, right?

But, one person decided to exchange dialog with him in a private conversation by sending a email to this pastor, and got a reply, I am not sure of what was asked, but here is the "good" Pastors reply:

"Dear Sir: We at MPUMC are in complete support of the Capobianco's
and their kidnapped daughter! We know them and love them. It is the State of Oklahoma who has declared war on justice, the people of SC, and the Supreme Court of the US! We pray that justice will be done and that the US Marshall's Office will intervene. Finally, the pastor is an adoptee himself along with his sister! He has a grandchild who is also adopted! Even more important, his birth mother was Native American! Midland Park UMC
Sent from my iPhone..."

As if that is not enough, he added to the conversation:

"Oh Great spirit,
grant that I may never find fault
with my neighbor until I have walked
the trail of life in his moccasins."

No doubt is in my mind that the same person who wrote the Facebook posting, and the person who replied from the iPhone, are in fact, the same person.

Rest assured, Veronica has NOT been "kidnapped" in fact, the South Carolina Courts gave custody to her father in 2011, and he is currently seeking his due process the same as the Capobianco's did since Veronica was 4 months old... yes, they refused to turn this child over when the court told them to.

So he wants to claim his birth mother is a Native American, as if that would erase his poor behavior, but I believe the man is a liar, plain straight up lying! As if adding his "Oh Great spirit" would make him believable? In fact, his writing of walking in moccasins is 1) written wrong and 2) smacks of racist behavior.

He claims they are supporters of Matt and Melanie Capobianco, but look through the pictures of their Facebook page, not only do you NOT see any pictures of Matt or Melody, you do not see any photos of Veronica either! And I could have sworn they claimed to be members of this church!

Mr. Ripley, you claim to be a man of God, I beg to differ. You claim to care about people, I say you do not care one bit about people, specially when you make threats of violence to hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women and children. You are no better than McVey.

Indian Child Welfare Act

People are very confused over this law. It has been called a "antiqued law" and it should be "abolished" some call it racist because it only covers American Indian children.

First, this law was enacted in 1978, hardly the "old law" that those who wish to abolish it want the public to believe.

Is the law racist? Well, this law is supposed to protect any parent who is enrolled in a Federally Recognized tribe, and the child must be enrolled or eligible for enrollment for this law to effect them. But deeper, the law will cover any parent or family when the child qualifies as a ICWA law. So if one parent is enrolled, and the other is not Indian at all, the non Indian has rights that are protected by ICWA. I hardly see this as being "racist".

Why was the law enacted? For many decades, Indian children were being removed from their parents, family, and tribe. It was believed to remove the "savage" from the "Indian" and make them a "human" because Indians were not viewed as being civilized. Some might not believe this, but I live in the central part of this country, and know kids who do not believe Indian people even exist! It is not just children, but there are adults who believe that Indians ride horses as transportation and they still live in tepees.

Recently on the Dr. Phil show, California attorney Johnston Moore was there with his two adopted sons, he shows his sons sitting there, holds up a photograph of a Indian boy dressed in a traditional outfit, and asked the audience "Do these boys look like this?" That alone was such a racist demonstration it made me want to dress those two boys in a traditional outfit and say "Why yes, they do look like that!" Mr. Moore went on to state he took those two boys to the reservation in Kansas where they come from, as he sat on the show, he asked the boys "Do you want to live like that?" The boys said "NO!" and what is sad about that, is he is insulting the very DNA that is inside those two boys. He put emphasis on how "bad" it is to be Indian. In viewing that, I felt for those two boys, I do not understand how this man, who claims to love those two boys, could do that to them.

If Mr. Moore's adopted sons had been back, would he have taken them to a former plantation, shown the photos of slaves, and slave cabins, asked them if they wanted to "live like that" ?

ICWA can be a complicated law, if we want it to be, but it is not as complicated as some want you to believe.

The ICWA law was enacted in 1978 when Congress recognized that American Indian children were being removed from their families and tribes at an alarming or an unusually high rate. Several reports have cited as many as 25-35 percent of all Indian children were adopted out of their families mainly to non-Indian people. Children who were removed got no relief in the courts, judges were quick to sever parents rights to their children for any reason they could find. The attitude was "Kill the Indian, save the child"

Today, I look around at people who want to be Indian, who want to be Indian so badly they pretend, they make up their own tribes, and they try to get recognition... why do they want to do that? Is it because we have our culture, our traditions?

Indian people believe that our elders and our children come first. These are not "our" children. They do not "belong" to us, WE "belong" to them. Everything we do, is for the future of our children. Our family relations are something most people cannot understand. Example, when my father was killed, my uncles stepped into his place, he became our father, my great uncle was our grandfather, we were never without a adult figure to help us from our youth, and currently into our adult years.

No one can understand our life unless they share it with us. Only then can they understand the ways of a Native person, and to that, I welcome anyone to learn, it really is not difficult at all, in fact, you might find a peace entering your soul that you never knew was there before.

Please do not buy into the bad medicine Dr. Phil, Mr. Moore and so many others want you to believe about the horrible "savages" who need our children "saved". Our children are our future, without them, there is no future, not for me, not for you, and certainly not our children.

I like so many others, will fight with all I am, and all I will be, to protect my children, my grandchildren, and future generations. That is what Indian people are about. It is not us, it is every generation to come.

Here is some fact checking to the Dr. Phil show.

Fathers Are Parents Too!

Can you imagine, your life, put all over the internet in a case that one couple, decided to make public, so they could force public opinion to help them take one man's child away, and adopt her?

I do not think I need to go into details of the case of Baby Veronica, because there are so many blogs and newspapers that have carried the story, albeit, most have twisted the story to suit the needs of the couple who wrongfully believe they have a right to this child, going against this child's biological family, a father who the court has found to be a fit and loving parent, and this child has thrived in the care of her father for the past two years.

My question to everyone is this, why is it, that it is acceptable for a single woman to raise a child, but a man, regardless if he is single or has remarried, is not acceptable? Why is it that laws and courts are so willing to remove a child from the care of a loving father, and yet, we all hear of cases where courts refuse to remove children from the care of their mothers even when the children are abused, neglected or exposed to drugs and alcohol?

What is wrong with our society that so many feel men are not loving and caring givers to their children?

I have been a single parent, I know how hard it is to be single with little ones to raise. It is hard, but not impossible. A dear friend of mine recently lost his wife, she had cancer, she was in remission when suddenly she took a turn for the worse, he has been left with three children. With the passage of time, he knows, he can do this! And a wonderful job he is doing!

I know a lot of men who are raising their children on their own, another friend who lost his wife in a accident, was approached to put the kids up for adoption. WHY are we asking men to place their children for adoption?

One case, a man learned he was a father when his daughter was two years old, he was never told his former girlfriend was pregnant, she hid it from him, broke off their relationship, gave birth, and the child was abused for the first year of her life, the state finally took action, removed the girl from the mother, severed her rights, and for a year, this child was in a foster home, then a state care facility. The child had been so severely abused, she did not know how to play, communicate, she had not learned to walk, or talk. She was not wanted, it was then that the state finally began to seek her biological father. When he was found, they did a DNA test, it was confirmed, he was indeed her father. He has custody of that little girl, who in the past years has improved greatly. But that has not come without a cost, he lost his job because his daughter needed care, he almost lost his apartment, but his landlord took heart, and put him in a house, charging him no rent. But this child has improved with the love from her father.

Why do people think fathers are not good enough to raise their children?