Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Let's Thow Mom Under The Bus! The Price of Adoption

I was doing research on the Capobianco's, the couple who want to take little Veronica away from her biological, and loving father who she has spent two years with. I was thinking about Veronica, and what kind of values the Capobianco's will give to her.

As I know, the Capobianco's spent over $40,000.00 to attempt to adopt Veronica, this price is not in question as Melanie and Matt both have testified under oath to the cost. Matt states they even "borrowed money from family and friends."

I decided to do a records search on Melanie's mother, Raye Hagood in South Carolina using public records: 


What I found is very disturbing. Mrs. Hagood is being sued for not paying a credit card debit of $20,530.49 on a credit card bill, the last billing date and demand for full payment was August 31, 2011. The attorneys representing the credit card company, State Farm Bank, sent Mrs. Hagood a notice dated September 20, 2012 and the law suit filed June 19, 2013.

I do not know if the money on this credit card bill went to Mrs. Hagood's daughter for Veronica, but what I do know speaks loudly of family values that the Capobianco's have.

Why would you move into a very expensive home, and spend thousands upon thousands of dollars to seek a unethical adoption, to remove a child from her biological father, of whom she is very much bonded to, with a step mother and grandparents who adore her, when in fact, you have thrown "Momma under the bus".

Yes, shame on YOU! As YOU hold press conferences, your public relation spokeswoman, Jessica Munday of Trio Solutions, speaks of how you can give this child "everything she wants or needs". We have all heard the speech about how YOU can afford the BEST of PRIVATE SCHOOLS for little Veronica, and yet, Mrs. Hagood sits with court orders because she is being sued.

Yes, there is Mrs. Hagood, holding a newborn Veronica, and Veronica's daddy was never informed that his child had been stolen from him.

Pretty pathetic isn't it?

You arrived in Tulsa, Oklahoma on August 13, and have been staying at the Hyatt in downtown Tulsa. This is the luxury you are enjoying while your mother has a court date for failure to pay on her very large credit card bill:


Personally, Matt and Melanie Capobianco I am very tired of hearing you whine about how you want Veronica, while the shocking fact of neglect is happening to your elderly mother.

You and your supporters claim you have "wonderful family values" and I must disagree, I believe, that you are the most selfish people I have ever seen. The manipulation of the supporters you have, and how you have used their generosity and giving nature to help you, is pretty evil.

Your priorities and morals are so lacking, that you should not have any child.

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