Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Attack On Native Children

I decided to sit back for a few days to digest some of the things I have been reading on Facebook concerning photographs of Indian children in their traditional dress.

I have gotten permission to post a photo of a child who has been ridiculed by the supporters of Matt and Melanie Capobianco.

This little girl, who was three years old when her photograph was taken, was posted in support of Veronica Brown to have her best interest rights heard, along with supporting the United Nations statement of Veronica's civil rights.

The response to this photo came from a person named Candace Barnhart who uses this photo on her avatar for her Facebook ID

Now it must be pointed out, that Candace Barnhart is neither related to the child in the photo she uses, nor does she know that child.

What Candace Barnhart wrote following the photograph of the three year old child in her traditional buckskin dress, is this:

Candice Barnhart (September 10, 2013): "These photos are ridiculous. They totally ignore her other heritage! Disgraceful."

A three year old child, dressed in a buckskin dress, a girl who is proud of her heritage, a girl who is very much Native American, a girl that Candace Barnhart has no knowledge about, not even this child's name, somehow feels it is just to attack her because of how she is dressed.

I do not know about you, but where I am from, we call that racism.

Candace Barnhart  openly attacked with hateful words on a public message board ran by a member of the media, and the owner of that page, along with the station she works for, has allowed the hate to remain on the Facebook page.

The incident is here:

The place in Facebook this incident occurred is the page of news reporter Haley Hernandez of WCBD Television out of Charleston, South Carolina. Her Facebook page:

I understand that Haley Hernandez is a supporter of the Capobianco couple to remove this child, Veronica, from her loving, biological family in Oklahoma. She throws responsible reporting out the window and has a very biased view on the case.

Here is a photo of Ms. Hernandez:

 The link to the page of WCBD Television on Facebook:

The website to WCBD

Many other people came to the page of Ms. Hernandez to object to the posting made by Candace Barnhart decided to write more:

Candice Barnhart "What's funny is I don't have any hate in my heart for this child in the picture. What I do not like and what I think is ridiculous is you using images of young children in Native American gear to sway the hearts and minds of people when you could care less about the entire heritage of Veronica Capobianco. She is 1% Cherokee. It's incredible to me that there are so many who refuse to acknowledge this fact and think that one aspect of her heritage is more important than others. But, hey...hate away at my comment. It does not hurt my feelings. And no, Tara Falls and Crystal Golden-Anderson Stamey Thompson, keep reporting it, I will not remove it. Have a nice day."

WHAT?? I read this several times, and yes, she did indeed write "what I think is ridiculous is you using imges of young children"... Really? Have you checked your own avatar Candace? You are using the photo of a child to which you have absolutely no connection to! There is a word for you in the English language it is "Hypocrite" "Nothing is more unjust, however common, than to charge with hypocrisy, that expresses zeal for those virtues which she neglects to practice; since she may be sincerely convinced of the advantages of conquering her passions, without having yet obtained the victory," In my language, the word is "pelewichi" to which you, Candace Barnhart do not deserve a translation.

Of course Candace Barnhart was given a chance to remove her comments, but she refused, sending this as a answer: "Candice Barnhart
Too's the truth. Ignoring all of her heritage accept for one aspect is ridiculous. And so is using the image of another child to foster racism."

Now remember, this woman has no idea of who this child is that she has so publically, with vile intent, attacked, with the obvious blessings from the employee of WCBD Television, Haley Hernandez, because you see, Ms. Hernandez also refuses to remove the hate comments about this child from her Facebook page.

Since this incident began on September 10, 2013, more reports have been coming in of other supporters of Matt and Melanie Capobianco of photos with children dressed in their Native outfits being attacked by the same people that are friends with Candice Barnhart, and once I get permission, I will add the photo and comments by these people to this blog.

These kinds of incidents involving obvious hate for Native American children, their culture, and their tradition's are obviously coming from ignorant people. They are ignorant of how Native American people have survived with their cultures intact.

These people have openly supported Matt and Melanie Capobianco, and neither the Capobianco's nor their spokes person from Trio Solutions have stepped forward to denounce these hate comments towards small children. This causes a person to ask themselves, is this the view Veronica would be raised with if she is forced to move to South Carolina with the Capobiancos? Because no matter if she is 1% or 100% Cherokee, she is still a Cherokee child, who has been fully accepted by the Cherokee people, a child who is involved in the Cherokee cultures and traditions, and will always remember dancing with her people. There is nothing that will take this child's memories away, and nothing to prevent her from finding this in the future.

Will this child be raised being made ashamed of the culture she is part of? Will she feel insulted? How is she going to feel when someone says "Well she is only 1%"?

Rest assured, this child, if forced to South Carolina, will know, she is Cherokee, and even those people who yell the 1% and make her feel less than a person, she will be made whole again, when she returns to her people, and she WILL return, and that beautiful little girl in the buckskin dress who was attacked? She will be waiting for Veronica with open arms, back into the Indian community, because that little girl knows that no matter how much blood a Indian has, we are still a Indian community, we are all one family, no matter what tribe one is from


1 comment:

  1. The hate-filled actions and words of people claiming to be Christian sicken me. To be Christian is to lose yourself and take on the reflection of Christ. WWJD was huge when I was younger. It should still be in the heart of every Christian. "Judge not," we are told by Jesus, and yet all too many Christians take on the mantle of judgment of others - and judgment, we are warned, is reserved for God. I am white. I am Christian, a Methodist, to be exact. And the Jesus *I* know and love would not lie, stall, and deceive a father, would not encourage the mother to dodge him, or ply her with gifts to give away her child. Jesus, in fact, is all about redemption and forgiveness. So, as a matter of fact, when Dusten's eyes were opened to the fact that his child was being stolen away from him, Jesus would call that opening his heart to the possibility of being a father to her. Jesus would have given him the chance to BE her father, not clutched the child until she was 27 months old without even providing her father a visit or a picture. And above all, Jesus never had a double standard. All one has to do is read the Bible to discover his thoughts on the money changers in the temple. These people and their hate-filled followers have their eyes on the prize and they have no care as to whom they hurt in the process of winning their personal prize, regardless of the fact that the "prize" in this case is a little girl. Jesus might say "forgive them for they know not what they do..." Unfortunately, I believe many of them know exactly what they do - they bully and belittle and belabor their slant on things in the hope that these birth fathers will go away so they can continue "saving" children from lives that are rich and full as though these children are no more than designer pets being rescued from puppy mills. I was thinking that they made me ashamed to be a Christian, but that is very wrong... THEY are the ones who bear the shame of doing something reprehensible and using the name of Christ to do it.
