Saturday, August 30, 2014

Nebraska Case Update

The Honorable Judge Andrew Jackson has spoken, he gave his ruling on the TN case regarding the NE girl. He ruled that TN never had jurisdiction of this case, this should have been in NE, and before he released his ruling, he contacted  NE letting them know, he was turning the case over to them, asked them if they would accept this case, to which, NE agreed and accepted the case. This is no longer a TN court case. This is a huge win for a 10 year old girl who loves, and wishes to live with her father, sister and biological family in NE.

One would think that the supporters of the foster couple would accept this, but they are having a tantrum!

Recently, Jessica Munday of Trio Solutions posted on their "Bring Sonya Home" Facebook page, a picture of a fund raiser that the family of this girl was having, she stated they had just received the picture from one of their supporters in NE. As much as Munday wishes to think it is a supporter in NE, I disagree, because that person who sent her the photo of the fund raiser, it is over two weeks after the event took place! Best yet, is the photo was from the fund raiser itself, so if this person really was a supporter, don't you think they would have provided the photo BEFORE the event happened? Or even a photo of the little girl these people are currently stalking?

Here is what was written by who is suspected to be the Hodgins on the Facebook page

Thank you to our supporter in Nebraska who provided this information to us. We will ignore the obvious hypocrisy that the biological father has no problem using S for his own fundraising projects, even against the explicit instructions ...of DCS, the most disturbing information regarding this pancake breakfast relates to who was in attendance. We have been informed that a certain relative of S, who should not be around any young girl, was in attendance. Perhaps Tennessee Department of Children's Services or Nebraska DHHS could do their due diligence and look into this for S safety and well-being for once! We will certainly be passing along our information to the Hodgins' legal team."

REALLY? *notice they use a "member of the family was in attendance* and yet the person is not supposed to be around any young girl.. a scare tactic on their part, however, they didn't post that persons name... if the person is a sex offender, then they would be on a public registry, of which they would have used all along... this is not the first time they have used scare tactics, as in the Veronica case, they claimed it was not a matter of "if but when she would be raped" 

How funny, they have been sending death threats to this girl's family, and her minor aged sister, but they claim they are concerned for her safety? They lied about sending S's personal belongings, and now the Hodgins will not even let her have her eye glasses or contacts, I guess they want to punish her for not wanting to be with them, and they claim they "love her"? If they loved her, they would be sure she had her eye glasses, contacts and the personal belongings she has repeatedly asked for!

The chance to use the fund raiser, that this girl and her daddy had, Munday could not resist using it for their page to make it appear they have supporters in NE, and thus posted it to their Facebook page, I took a few of the comments made because it seems the people are upset that the FATHER of this girl, and the girl herself would raise any kind of funds! Oh the fun of this comedy!

Bonnie Cleaveland WHAT? Seriously? A fundraiser? McCaul's attorneys are paid for. The GAL and the AAL are supposed to work for S, but in court they go behind closed doors with McCaul's lawyer and probably Judge Jackson! The state of TN likely pays his plane tickets, lodging and per diem every time he comes to TN for a hearing. What do they need money for?
Jessica Munday His supporters fundraise ALL the time for their own agenda. They just don't like it when the fund-raising supports anything related to adoption. They will fundraise all day long and use a child's photo or name when it fits their agenda. Hypocrites!
Edith Barnes If he's breaking a court order I would also bring it to the attention of his probation officer.
Aria Clements LOL, that flier leaves out his prison time!! They're feeding sheep. My god, even Brown didn't use Veronica as a literal poster-child for a personal fundraiser.
Linda Lowe Glendy Makes me sick. She's being used now to make money! I'm so sorry her real patents have to go through this!
Jessica Munday's comments are the most comical, since she IS the one who spearheaded these fund raisers:

Now remember, Munday accuses the other side of using a child's name and photo for "their own agenda"... and then she calls THEM hypocrites? Here is the thing, the young girl in NE was a foster child, and by law, her name, photograph, nor the situation of her case was never to be made public, but that did not stop the Hodgins or Munday from trying a media blitz and not only breaking those laws, but took it a step further and secretly recorded the first phone call by this girl, coached her in what to say, and then played it on Anderson Cooper.
Bonnie Cleveland, claims to be a child psychologist, yet ignores this girls request to "be left alone!" Bonnie decides to write her "professional opinion" on this girl and her emotional status, yet this is a girl Bonnie has NEVER met, nor visited with, therefore, she is incompetent to give her "professional opinion" on this case, but lets not forget, she did the same thing to Veronica Brown.

I hope some day, Bonnie's little girl, Claire, finds this blog on the atrocities her mother has done to other children, and worked unethically to force children away from their loving families and into adoptions. Perhaps Claire is adopted herself.. I don't know. I do know that taking a photo of your young daughter sitting on the toilet must seem pretty classy to Bonnie, and then posting it on the internet...  *psst Bonnie, how does it feel now?* That's real responsible parenting there!
Aria Clements, what a clown she is! This poor gal, was morbidly obese, then lost weight, and had to have surgery to get rid of the excess skin, she somehow found it "classy" to post photos of the process, simply too gross to post on this blog. But she is not a real bright person, she states "Even Brown did not use Veronica for a literal poster child for a personal fundraiser!" Yet, I must refer to the photographs above, because she was a supporter of the Capobianco's, and all their misuses of photographs of a child, using the child's name, they along with Munday, were the media attention whores when it came to posting photographs of a child for fundraising!there she is, totally blonde, idiot by choice.

Edith Barnes, hardly worth the time to pay attention to, her idiot comment by itself is telling of how she is a sheep being led to slaughter... oh wait, Aria likes to talk about sheep! LOL she is as white as one.

Linda Lowe Glendy, have to love her comment, because it seems Munday is holding these children down with a foot and ripping the money out of them, because in nearly every case where they made bracelets to sell as fundraisers, had fundraising dinners, sold bumper stickers to force Veronica away from her REAL daddy, they now have a "Go Fund Me" page collecting money to try to force a girl away from where she wants to be, Linda is somehow under the impression that one pancake feed fundraiser is being used to make money off this child! My suggestion to Linda is she should shut up, she is one of those "sheeps" being led to slaughter and she can't see butcher who leads her to the pen. And BTW Linda, the child is WITH HER FAMILY!

These people are all upset that a father of a child would have custody after being a "convicted felon!" Oh the horrors of it all!

Information police will tell them that hundreds of thousands of children are currently being raised by the biological parents who are convicted felons, in many cases, both parents are convicted felons. If we were to say convicted parents are no longer allowed to raise their children, there would not be enough money to support them and care for them by the government. You can bet your sweet bippy, each one of these people who are so offended by the fact the father is a convicted felon, not a one would step up to raise a child who was taken away due to the parent being a felon. They forget, there are convicted felon women, serving time in prison, who are giving birth and being allowed to have their infants with them IN PRISON!

These people want to create smoke screens, make it sound worse than it really is, they don't live in a real world, and they don't want YOU to live in that world if they have not DICK-tated it to you.

I would like to thank all those from Europe who have been reading my blog, and encourage you to stop your country from allowing adoptions to the US, because when children come here, these are the kind of people who feed off of them!

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