Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thank you all!

Thank you all for the many views, and messages I have received since last December.
Everything is fine, my family has been very busy with activities, mainly a purchase of a home for my son and daughter in law, of which we updated and did a lot of work ourselves. We enjoyed doing the work ourselves, but make no doubt about it, there is a lot of work involved in such a project!
I have also used time to do some studies on persons who will be featured in the blog. Thank you to the many viewers that have sent information, photos, and the calls I have got with other information.
I would like to share with you that many, many people from England have been here, along with some other countries, Ireland, Scotland, even Russia has been keeping up with the issue of the Native American children being stolen from their family's. Some of these countries are also dealing with their children being stolen and forced to the US for adoption. I encourage all these countries to end adopting to the US... as we know, many children are murdered by their adoptive parents.
I recently heard that a threat has been issued to me because of this blog, but lets face it, the people who make threats, just don't like having the truth told about them, and if they were not scum, they would not have to worry about a little blogging now would they?
Thanks again!

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