To thousands of people, Veronica will always be, Veronica Brown, very much loved by her family, and her sister, Kelsy, who called her Ronnie.
My life, along with many others, have dedicated ourselves to be sure, Veronica will know the truth! We are demanding our First Amendment Rights, our Freedom of Speech, to expose the lies told by Matt Capobianco, Melanie Capobianco, Jessica Munday and her Trio Solutions, along with Lisa Morris of the "Christian Coalition for Indian Child Welfare"
When South Carolina Supreme Court ruled that Dusten Brown was a thwarted father, and that he was to have custody, the Capobianco's kept Veronica until they had exhausted their appeals. Veronica was turned over to Dusten Brown, her REAL father in Decemeber 2011.
The Capobianco's, along with the help of Jessica Munday of Trio Solutions, had began a media circus, going public with their stories, their first lie was "Veronica, the adopted daughter of the Capobiancos" truth was, Veronica had NOT been adopted, the Capobianco's were only considered a "potential adoptive parents" aka "PAP" and there is no doubt that both Melanie and Matt knew they had not adopted Veronica, because it is in Melanie's court testimony that they were not Veronica's parents.
Anytime, Capobianco's could get the media attention to their cause, they were ever present, providing photographs of Veronica, and making sure their faces looked so sad, which was a ploy to gain sympathy from the public, and they would go to the news media to give statements, and always present was Jessica Munday, who would talk her tough talk, while Matt and Melanie leaned upon each other in the back ground. They were not very good with their crocodile tears, Melanie, as if on cue, would put her fact into Matt's shoulder, pretend to cry, turn around, with no tears. Ahhh but the public fell for it, they fell hook, line and stinker! Yes, stinker, because this acting trio just stunk!
So, Veronica, when you seek the truth, seek it all, don't let anyone tell you that only they have the truth, seek the truth for yourself, seek the court transcripts which have been made public, read where Matt and Melanie both admit to paying your birth mother $10,000.00 to be able to obtain you. Read where they KNEW you were a Indian child, and knew this BEFORE you were born, be sure to pay close attention to where they confess, YOUR father would not consent to a adoption. Read how they lied, to get you out of Oklahoma without the knowledge or approval of your father, or the Cherokee Nation.
Make sure you make up your OWN mind, don't let these people influence you, do it on your own if you need.. but know, YOU WILL ALWAYS BE WELCOMED HOME! Home to Tahlequah, Oklahoma where your tribe is, home to Nowata, Oklahoma where you lived for nearly two years and you were so very happy!
Photos of Veronica while living with her real daddy.
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