Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Standing Our Ground, or Falling Down?

Folks, if you have ever watched Jon Stewart, then you will understand why I wish I could present this post in my best Jon Stewart impersonation. I, much like Stewart, stand up for what I see is wrong. You just cannot right a wrong.

The Standing Our Ground movement began with the best of intentions, but when Veronica was forced to go with the Capobianco's, it is as if the whole movement has fallen apart. Most of those who are part of that movement cannot get over the fact that Veronica is gone. Some of the members look to the future to fight for the ICWA law, others have focused on other men trying to get custody of their children who have been unethically adopted out, while most members can only sit around and complain about what has happened, they are stuck in a rut, no help or use to anyone.

When a dear friend of mine decided it was time to seek other action, she stated publically that her focus would be on protecting ICWA. She is from the Shawnee tribe of Oklahoma, and she has always worked to protect her people. So, the comment left by one of our readers, about a man named Charlie "Two Hats" Banta caught her attention. This name is known to her because in 2006, this man decided he was Indian, not just any Indian, but a Shawnee, and upon a trip to Ohio, where he says his mother had memories of Shawnee Indians dancing on a flat area on top a hill, upon getting to Ohio, they found a hill with a flat top and his mother claimed that is where the Shawnee's danced.

I don't know how many of you know history, but I cannot figure out just how old his mother is, because the Shawnees were forced to remove from the Ohio valley in 1830.

Charlie "Two Hats" Banta, then declared himself a "Chief" and named his "tribe" "Platform Reservation Remnant Shawnee", he could not use the name "Ridgetop" because another fake group uses that name. But give poor Charlie a break, he has gotten his little tribe (consisting of family) a 501c status and now claims they are a church! Its not like churches are full of liars, thieves and scam artists.

So, we come to a comment left here by a reader concerning this person, "Chief Charlie Two Hats Banta" concerning his misuse of the ICWA, and this in turn did catch the attention of my dear friend, and myself of course!

It was interesting when two nights ago, my friend seen on a Facebook page where a member in the private group "Always Stand Our Ground For Veronica Brown"  (or some such name under that) where a person named "Naomi G.S. Banta" posted "I need to contact the person who has the blog Stolen Children ICWA" my friend asked what she needed, and she got a email from Naomi.

Folks, I can tell you this was a bombshell!

Photo of Naomi G.S. Banta doing a two step with Grandpa

Wait, she is not the bombshell, what she wrote is!

"Naomi G. S. Banta
Isaac's mother was adopted, foster to adopt.
What the commenter failed to mention is that Isaac was removed from his home first for shaken baby (still in the air as to WHO) and then later for neglect. The tribe stepped in at first to keep him out of foster care but then eventually worked WITH CPS. ICWA was only invoked to keep him in a family situation."
"She signed him away before Regan (Isaac's sister) was born to keep Reagan from being a CHINS case (Child in Need of Services). "
"Reagan was removed at three days when she told the doctor that there were opiates in the house. Then again at about three months old over an eye infection that never did get cared for properly and in near heatstroke. My sister got custody at that point. Before she turned two, the state of Indiana had revoked her parental rights."

"(CPS, after ICWA was invoked, after the judge told them that the baby went with family, STILL offered to place Isaac)"

"Baby number 3 has been adopted out of tribe. Both parents consented, we didn't contest, we were very very relieved that the baby was being taken care of. I stay in contact with the biological mother."

"Isaac is a happy healthy four year old who adores his sisters and brothers. Reagan is two now and she has two big brothers and a little sister and sees Isaac pretty often. Buck, the youngest is a year old, his adoptive Mom is keeping a pretty good record of stuff for him."

"As far as the other stuff? Robin wanted to be adopted into our tribe and she's not. And if you all want, Dad (the chief) did offer to speak to whomever to set all the record straight. We have all of the documentation too..."
"and at three days old it was Reagan's bio mom"

"Oops, I don't stay in contact with the biological mother. I stay in contact with Buck's adoptive mother."
"None of these were fast tracked."

OK, lets see if I understand this, Isaac's mother was adopted, ok so that means she is not related to you by blood, check mark that.. so, her child was reported to be abused, and so your dad, a person who made up his own tribe, invoked ICWA to keep this child with family? REALLY? REALLY?

News flash, even REAL Indians who adopt someone who is not Indian cannot make them members of a tribe. But I bet, she didn't know, the person who she was sending this message too already knew about these people, so, she asks her:

 OK, ICWA is for Federally Recognized Tribes ONLY, tell me, what federally recognized tribe is you dad the chief of? 

Her reply, are you ready for this?

Naomi G. S. Banta
We are Platform Reservation Remnant Band Shawnee - Federally recognized as native but not federally tribal...
Also Cherokee.

Booyah! Gotcha! Wait, didn't I state earlier that this group claims to be a church? Isn't one of the ten commandments "Thou shalt not lie"? If you know my friend, you know she cannot resist a open opportunity like this, so she commented:

"No you not, you are not recognized at all! You people are what us real Shawnees call fakes and frauds. Making shit up as you go along. You think that wannabe group is new to me? I AM a member of a FEDERALLY RECOGNIZED SHAWNEE TRIBE you people want to steal from us and get attention for yourself as SOMETHING YOU ARE NOT you want to lie, twist our history, make shit up, pretend.... but now you crossed a line, YOU state YOU people used a FEDERAL LAW to obtain a child under ICWA"

Naomi replies! (ok I didn't say this woman was smart)

Naomi G. S. Banta

we are a TREATY tribe.
And I guess, we did get federally recognized recently. I stand corrected.

Did I mention my friend cannot resist a opportunity when someone opens a door like this? And she didn't miss it!

"You are not federally recognized at all! Who do you think your talking to? Some idiot that will buy this bullshit?
There is NO SUCH THING as a "treaty tribe"

You want to fucking lie to people, you better be sure it will be people who will buy your bullshit"

(Did I fail to mention my friend can make a sailor blush?)

"Sam will be blogging this, along with your messages and whatever else he needs to do to show the law has been abused!"

Do you think Sam will blog it? I cannot resist something that is this damn good!

No Facebook account for Sam, I depend on friends to get me those tidy pictures that have been put into public viewing on Facebook, I am sure I could find them using other avenues, but why bother when someone like Naomi keeps them all out there for public viewing!

There are a few photos I wish to share, this photo is of the "grandmother drum" The photographer in the background has that "WTH" look on his face, or maybe he wants to tell Charlie he is using the wrong end of the stick.. and he is not the only one in the wrong! Indians see this picture, and they know it belongs to "When White People Go Bad"

Then we have Leeann and Charles Banta, no one has quite figured out what they are wearing, but we suspect they are doing a Revolutionary War re-enactment and Charlie is a English solider with his doting wife, I have no idea what she is holding.

When the Standing Our Ground group, gives people like this credit, they cause harm to their cause, and the Save Veronica Rose group, laughs their asses off. But when SOG removes their most active supporters, who are doing more than complaining and making meme's in a hidden private group, they wind up burning bridges they cannot rebuild, their ship is sinking fast with people like Naomi G.S. Banta at their helm.
Folks, what the Banta's have done, is as unethical as the Capobianco's stealing of little Veronica Brown. And that is the point I want everyone to understand, it does not matter who abuses ICWA, it is being abused, and it is up to us to fight to protect it, and make it stronger, our children depend on us!
 My friend asked me to mention founder of Standing Our Ground, lets hear it for Johnna Payne-Hurt, who has a imagination that she can trade mark the term "Standing Our Ground" ... yes, I think she is falling down, because she too is a pretendian.




  1. I wonder if J held up her first there fingers...would she know how to read between the lines?

    1. Sorry that should read "her first THREE fingers"

  2. I am glad to see that Naomi just admitted to a felony. There is at least one DA watching this family. Did she also admit her daddy Chief Phony Hats is a cattle thief as well? I have receipts and cancelled checks for Dexters and feed I bought and Charlie and his buddy Jonathan Kirk conspired to steal them. Being just as bright they admitted everything in emails. Telling me they would give me back my cattle if I just would sign a paper agreeing to NEVER say a word about any of this or anything about them forever. As you can guess I refused.

    I have talked to several lawyers and one wants to set up a meeting with a prosecutor to see if charges can be brought for more broken laws then I could think of.

    Chief Phony Hats also used his Indian credentials to obtain a job at Camp Atterbury in Search and Rescue for Homeland Security. His desk plate says Chief Two Hats on it and also that he is an Indian Tracker. According to the BIA it is a felony to claim that on a federal job application if you are not recognized by the BIA. They also said he could find a dozen real Indians with combat experience that would love to apply for the job.

    As far as I wanting to be part of their tribe. My husband knew Charlie from Rangers years ago. Before Charlie discovered he was Indian. When we came down here Charlie wanted to add us to his rolls. My husband is about a third Choctaw with some Cherokee and had the family history to prove it. Was raised white but lived with a Canadian tribe for over a year when he first got out of the Army. They saved his life. He is 100% service connected disabled and was really depressed. The old Indian (I won't say his name) from Whitehorse found my husband at the Army hospital and convinced him to come explore his Indian roots. They eventually adopted him into their tribe so he is recognized by Canada. Charlie wanted to borrow his over inch thick written and researched account of my husbands family and lost it on the way to the copier. I see she is now claiming part Cherokee. Is Choctaw next? Are we going to be related?

    Here is a link where Chief Phony Hats gives a talk on being Indiana to Crane Naval Warfare:


    "Native American Heritage Month Luncheon at NSWC Crane
    NSWC Crane celebrated Native American Heritage Month with a luncheon on 13 Nov. The guest speaker Charlie
    “Two Hats” Banta Chief of the Platform Remnant Band Indiana Shawnee provided an interesting and informative
    speech. ASNE Southern Indiana provided him with an ASNE Souvenir. The program was sponsored by 5 different

    I was also told by a Shawnee official to look into the Prophet's Town (Indiana) scheme. That it explains why Charlie lost most of his "tribe" over a bad land deal.

    This band of thieves needs to be stopped before they can rip other innocent people off of their savings.

  3. Oh, and Charlie's way of adding people to the tribe? Weird. I had to go change some paperwork at Social Security. Charlie kept telling me to wait until he could go with me and add my husband and I to his rolls. When we show up at the Columbus, Indiana SS office he looks around and tells me not to say anything. WTF is that? So I did what I had to do and we all drove home.

    I am white from NY. I have Indian heritage in me from generations ago. I don't know rolls from non-rolls...well, I do now that I have researched Charlie after he stole my cattle. But, he adds people to his tribe by way of the Social Security office....or at least he made a big deal about adding us and then fell flat. After that I started looking into them and realized what phony Indians were. My husband said the band in Canada didn't dress like this. Levi's were much more popular. He was only accepted after he built a cabin without power tools mostly on his own, lived in it for a year and hunted all his meat. Since he promised he wouldn't kill another living thing when he left the Army this was a real test for my husband. He is proud of his Choctaw grand-mother and the half-Choctaw uncles that raised him...picture Scondhand Lions movie but three! He has no intention of dressing like this and dancing around a fire or drumming. He also has no interest in claiming any special financial rights or as Leann puts it a "corn check". After finding out what I had found he is quite upset that these character actors profess to be real. The Indian looking members of his family were discriminated against because of their looks up to the 1950's. He grew up in northern Alabama. Those same uncles whose mother was 100% made sure he knew his heritage but also made it clear he was growing up white. They had seen their mother be treated horribly as kids themselves. And, I have met Charlies mother...she is blonde and blue eyed...at least very white looking.

    Leann also posts all about Isaac on TheTreeofLiberty.com Most of the posts have been wiped clean after they stole my cattle and called them out on it. She posted a day by day account of his adoption and I am sure it can still be pulled up b the right law enforcement.

    Leann found her outfit at a yard sale or thrift shop. I was sitting in her kitchen as she was adding material to the sides to let it out. And, yes, they will tell you they are dressed correctly not re-enactors.

    1. Many times, people like Charlie Banta, will make claims as to adding people to his "rolls" because they want your personal information to do identity theft, gets them access to more of your information than you can realize. If I were you I would do a credit check. Real tribes do not seek out people to "put on their rolls" REAL tribes already have a based roll, generally they are one hundred years old and older, and a person must prove their DIRECT descendant to a person who is on the roll, or to their mother/father who are on the roll who are already proven to be direct descendants. Have you told the DA about these tactics he is doing?
      There is a man who was running much of the same kind of scam in Kansas, but he was charging to put people in his "tribe" I believe he is now serving a 60 year prison sentence, which since he was already 60, he may never leave the prison alive even with time off for good behavior.

      As for Leann, I thought she got her skirt from a used tent store. But they are not dressed correctly, in fact, it is pretty humorous!

    2. And that treeofliberty.com site, that place is coo-coo! You have to say Obama was born in Kenya before you are allowed to join? Those people are true idiots!

  4. Which Shawnee official were you told to look into Prophets Town? Because there are only three real Shawnee tribes, and all of them are in Oklahoma.
    If you like, you can inform your local DA person, (I assume Brown County Indiana) that I am filing a notice of possible fraud on a federal level concerning this violation of ICWA, I have been in contact with the proper authorities regarding this, I have given them a statement along with Naomi's comments, and currently giving a written statement. It will be investigated.
    Understand that ICWA is a confusing law, but it is very clear that the only people covered by this law are federally recognized tribe members, and since Banta is running a wannabe group, he is pretty much had, no way can he fake federal recognition as one call to the DOI or the BIA will confirm he is a liar.

    I have contacted the Naval authorities who are associated with the Naval Engineers, as what he has done can be compared to Stolen Valor.

    I don't know who told you Charlie was recognized by Canada, but again, he is a liar. No government official in the US or Canada will recognize anyone who was adopted and not of Native or First Nations blood.

    These people have mental issues.

    Just contact your local DA, if he needs to be in contact with me, I would be glad to help him out.. just let me know his name and number and I will call him.

    1. It is my husband that is recognized by Canada. Dan stole...or "lost" his family history proving my husband's heritage. His family left the reservations between the 1860's and 1915 or so. My husband is about 1/3 native and it is mostly Choctaw with some Cherokee. Some are listed on the Dawes rolls. The confusion comes in that my husband is adopted within his own family. The woman he knew as aunt turned out to be his grand-mother.

      When my husband got hurt and left the Army he was really upset over not being superman anymore. An old Indian from north of Whitehorse heard about my husband and brought him back to the village in Canada. He was later adopted into the Canadian Band but only after proving his American Native heritage and living with them and as them for over a year.

      I see now that Naomi is claiming part Cherokee. I wonder if Choctaw is next and if some of my husbands family names start showing up in their tree?

      The people I talked to were in Oklahoma. I talked to several and they all knew about Banta. One was particularly upset that he is sitting in a Homeland Security job claiming to be Indian. Charlie will tell you he is the only Indian employed on Camp Atterbury. Only there he goes by Dan.

      I can give you the people I talked to names and the phone number to the one that told me about the land deal at Prophet Town, Indiana. How can I contact you off the board?

      Here is Leann's post about Dan going to work at Camp Atterbury and her wanting everyone to know he was an Indian Chief.

      THURSDAY, JULY 24, 2008
      Hubby's B-day present.....
      Hubby's birthday was this week, and he just found out he has the new job he has been trying out for!!!! he's been out of work for a month or so, so this is very good news. They already have a new name plate ("Chief Charlie Two Hats") and I wanted to give him something to make his office more "him." The frame and glass came out of my Brother's trash (the faded landscape print had seen better days, but the frame was still sturdy); the design is the Native American Medicine wheel, with it's four colors symbolizing the Four Directions (and some say, the four races of the earth---remember the Sunday school song, "Red and Yellow, Black and White...they are Precious in His sight"?). There's and eagle feather and medicine bag, and I tried to make the backgreound look like a brain tan deer skin that we have (only for use on very special projects), with "pictographs" showing a hunter, the three sisters (corn, beans, and squash), a wigiwa, a simple clay pipe and a cedar tree. It's hard to see the details, but he REALLY liked it. It'll go to work tomorrow. I wanted everyone to know a Shawnee Indian worked there. He has worked hard for ther ecognition that the tribe is beginning to get, and I am very proud of him.
      Posted by The Lion and Lamb Studio at 4:49 PM No comments:


  5. Naomi has been deleting everything she can since contacting you. Her FB page is gone. I did find this though. From 2000. She admits she is into period clothing but nothing on being Shawnee/Indiana. She says her mom picked the period.


    Naomi Banta
    Message 1 of 2 , Sep 23, 2000
    View Source
    Hi, my name is Naomi Banta, I'm 21, from Nashville, IN. (yes, that is
    midrealm) I'm just wanting to get started in the SCA. I've done 18th
    century reenactment since I was about 15 (blame my mom I didn't choose the
    time period though I love the 18th century. I just want to broaden my

    I know that I can get away with my "common" clothes from the 18th century at
    a ren faire, SCA event, etc... Bodices, petticoats and chemises really
    didn't change much. Currently I am wanting to start a Simplicity pattern
    (9228) but I'm waiting until my mother, the expert seamstress comes home
    from the event she went to this weekend in order to start it. IN the
    meantime I guess I'll either do a caul or a chemise from another pattern.
    We have been using the Eagle View (frontier period) bodice pattern for what
    we do, but I don't like the way it fits, it doesn't give me nearly enough
    arm room to work my loom and spindle! :)

    Anyway, it's cool to watch all of this!

    "Every miracle starts with a problem."
    -- Pastor Nicky Seniour

  6. http://www.blogger.com/profile/09993711978397369665

    You should check out wifey's full profile...COMICAL at best Notice her INTERESTS!!!

    Interests: Church, Reenacting (Rev War era), native American crafts, sewing, gardening

    1. Church...just like their partner cattle thieves Jonathan Kirk they all claim to be born again Christians...they were saved....I am surprised the church doesn't erupt in flames when they enter one.

  7. Oh, and this one entertains me. They have there own Health Department and doctor..Charlies brother Eric:

    Dr Eric S K Banta
    Dept of Health at Platform Reservation Remnent Band ,Shawnee Nation Indiana
    Trafalgar, IndianaCivic & Social Organization
    Platform Reservation Remnent Band Shawnee Indiana
    see below
    connectionsSend Dr Eric S K InMailMore options
    25 yr,s In Emergercy Medicine , Naturopathy PHD,FEMA Disaster Manager,Senior NIMS Manager, Master Herbalist, CERT Instructor,Native American Cultural Teacher/Shawnee. Tribal Marshal.

    Dept of Health Education and Cultural Restoration
    Platform Reservation Remnent Band Shawnee Indiana
    December 1995 – Present (18 years)Indiana,
    Over see to health of the tribe. Teach wellness in the native american way to live, with diet and the life changes. Run alcohol Rehab,for the tribe. I'm the medaion and preform the sacred ceremonies for the people. Teach class,s in Herbal Healing and wilderness survival, Running CMRB schools for Army National Guard Association.Have taught at the FEMA confrence for last 4 yr,s.

    see below
    Alcohol Rehabilatation

  8. https://www.signup4.net/Upload/PROF15A/20111202E/SAR2011_2%20conference%20descriptions.pdf

    Here is a link where Dr Banta taught a class on medicine and Dan (Chief Charlie) taught a class on tracking. He claims to be a certified Shawnee tracker.

    This group has all the local law enforcement snowed that one they are recognized as Shawnee, and two that they really have Marshall powers of some sort. Chief wears a badge on his hip and a gun at times. Keeps it locked in a lock box bolted to his van floor at times.

  9. Here is a new one I found. Mama Banta Leann describes how they got and kept him.

    Page 14

    My husband, Charles Daniel Two Hats
    and I have been married for 32 years. We
    have four grown children, three of whom
    are married and they have blessed us with
    four grandbabies. As the chief of our little
    tribe of Shawnee, my husband gets a lot of
    strange phone calls from members asking
    for help or advice. The strangest of these
    was from the county hospital last July.
    When he arrived at the ER, my husband
    was handed a little bundle—a two month
    old baby boy who belonged to a young
    lady from our tribe who had made some
    very bad life choices. Child Protective
    Services gave the child to us to care for
    while his Mama got her life straightened
    Thus began our odyssey back into
    parenthood. We were living in an RV, due
    to mold in the old mobile home we had
    lived in for years. We were building a new
    home—slowly, without a mortgage, and
    out of scraps and cull material.
    The little one was thin, had difficulty
    breathing, severe colic and woke every two
    hours. He was diagnosed with Inter
    Uterine Growth Restriction due to his
    mother’s tobacco, drug and alcohol use
    while she was carrying him and had spent
    the first week of his life at Riley Hospital
    for Children.
    We fell in love with the little guy and
    made room for him in the RV. In the wee
    hours of one morning, as I fed and
    burped Little Dude (as we nicknamed
    him), I looked down the length of the RV
    to the open door of the bathroom and the
    mirror. There stood an old lady holding a
    tiny baby—ME! “Dear God,” I prayed,
    “What are we getting into—at our age and
    with no place to live?”

    Li’l Dude went back to sleep. When
    he woke early next morning I changed
    him and asked, “What are we gonna call
    you? I don’t want to call you by your legal
    name, and Li’l Dude is just a nickname,
    not a REAL name.” Then the Lord spoke
    to me, just as clear as if it were my Hubby
    in the same room, “His name is Isaac.
    And you will see my provision.”
    And we HAVE seen His provision in
    so many ways. We are now living in a
    house, built by us, with no mortgage. God
    has guided us through all the heartbreak

    hand out (including visits from the sheriff
    and the baby’s disappearance for a week or

    He protected Li’l Dude when he was
    away from our care and in real danger. In
    September 2010, the court made Isaac
    James Jumping Deer our adoptive son. He
    is small for his age but developing at or
    above his developmental level. He is happy
    and outgoing and brings lots of fun and
    laughter (like his name!) into our home.

    Nashville, Indiana, USA

    Note: A couple of lines would not let me copy and post but I have the entire article saved.

  10. I believe they are following you here and reading what you write so they can run and delete, however, they may not know, they can delete, but it is still there, they just don't know how to find it...

  11. I save everything to multiple media before posting. I have spent the last year since Chief Phony Hats and his buddy Jonathan Kirk stole my cattle and feed calling the BIA, real Shawnee, churches, etc.. They offered to give it all back if I signed a paper agreeing to never talk about any of this or mention their names again.

    I would have never found this page or realized that what they did was a felony in stealing that child under laws put in place to save real Indian babies if they didn't rip me off.

    I may never get my money back but Dan...I know you are reading this...was it worth stealing my cows now that you may lose the Dude or go to jail?

    God does work in mysterious ways...a child is more important then a few cows. I hope you get to the bottom of this travesty,

  12. Oh, and John wants his family heritage back that you were supposed to copy and return.

    If Mitchell's, Frye/Fry's, and Crockets (a few that come to mind) that made the Dawes roll from his family start showing up in your family tree I will know why you wanted that paperwork so badly,

  13. I am going to post this here and on the Fake Indians page. Stolen Valor sent me a copy of Chief Phony Hats Army record. He was never a Green Beret like he claims to be on Mauri Pierce's website. Mr. Piece immediately took that off so he might be another innocent victim. I was told he only took the War/Peace Chief title and Marshalls badge because it was presented to him as an "honor". Seems he did some of these a favor of some sort and Chief's thank you was the above. I was told he even left a training gig to go sign that "treaty" and get back.

    Has anyone come up with a full tribal roll yet...I know several were working on it. It might prove a valuable piece of evidence.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Brianna. I have a copy of your comment before you deleted it:

    Brianna Banta has left a new comment on the post "Standing Our Ground, or Falling Down?":

    Hi! My name is Brianna Banta. Yes I said Banta, and before you start assuming anything too awful, note that I married in to these Banta's. Yeah, I know. But believe it it not a few of them are really great people, my husband included of course. The only reason I'm posting this comment is to respectfully ask the author to please remove (and replace if necessary) the photos of my husband's grandfather. He passed away a few years ago, and believe me or not, was a very sweet man. My husband looked up to him a lot, and while I tend to agree with this post a little more than I should (and I'm sure I'll here about this later) It just pangs me to see his sweet face attached to this. I completely understand the seriousness of everyone's upset. Honestly, I REALLY DO, (like I said... I married in to this ��) but just a tiny respect for a grandfather passed, if not for the Banta's then for me and my children, and anyone else who knew what a great man he was. Thanks for reading this, and just don't forget that some of the Banta's are actually quite nice.

    Posted by Brianna Banta to Stolen Children, ICWA, at June 2, 2014 at 11:05 PM

    I will post my answer in a second post as it is too long. Please read it. And, be assured that people ARE investigating the Banta Clan and I doubt the good Banta's even know the extent that the Bad Bant's have involved them.

    1. Though I respectfully can understand your wishes, the issue of the photo is one that Naomi herself put into a public posting, and therefore came to me. I am sure everyone loves grandpa in the photo, but it does not forgive the fact that he decided to play Indian along with the rest of these people. As a obvious elder of this family, he should have set them straight with what they are doing in disrespect to others, but he made the choice not to and went along with the pretendian which is a insult to other Indian people.

      But I will make you all a deal, if Banta comes out, fesses up he is a liar, that he is not Shawnee, and gives a apology for his antics and that of his family, I will gladly remove this whole post... but I really don't see that happening, not ever, and why would anyone expect him to do such, because even yourself admitted he is a arrogant and dishonest... Bully? I don't fear a single one of them....

  16. All I can say is if you really feel that way you need to stand up and go to the authorities. I have given a statement myself in an "official" setting so I know at least some of this is being looked at. Two children may have been stolen. Can YOU ignore that?? Would Irvin (Grandpa) have put up with that?

    All I have found appears to indicate that both Irvin Grandpa and Irvin his son aren't part of this Indian charade. At least not to the extent of criminality. His Grandson got a government contract for a company making 130k that year iirc off the top of my head by posing as a federally recognized Native Corporation. That is a felony as well.

    Was he duped too by uncle Chief Charlie into believing they really were federally recognized? If so he might be able to make a deal in order not to be prosecuted himself. Either way the truth is the best. The cover-up is often worse than the crime itself. Why abandon that company when it was so successful in getting that contract?

    I feel for you and I know Chief Charlie can be a bully. If I can stand up to him so can you and do the right thing. As can the part of the family you claim to be the moral side. And, they must be out there. Charlie Beckworth did not take scum onto his Delta Force cadre. He took the best of the best, the top of the top.

    Chief Charlie also claimed to be a bonafide preacher and his brother the medicine man a grief counselor. Does that sound familiar? Chief Charlie/Dan Banta has some sort of mental issue where he "absorbs" the true accomplishments of fellow family members into his own mind. As in HE was the Green Beret. I know you know who I am really talking about.

    My own husband was in the Army right there. Charlie Beckworth visited my husband after getting hurt on a jump one night. My husband met the "good" Banta. Chief Charlie claimed to be one and threw the right names about before we ever left Alaska. Offered to pick us up at the airport, helped us in any way he could and I was generous back. Leann and Chief Charlie were setting me up as a mark. In conjunction with their partners in crime Rhonda and Jonathan Kirk. Chief Charlie tried to play his Green Beret relative to my husband, and to the world appearing on Mauri Pierces website as a certified Shawnee Man Tracker and Green Beret.

    Leann covets what she sees. From my cows looking out her window every day until she believed they were hers to a baby she admits in that article posted here Above Rubies was left TEMPORARILY in her care in a broken down RV of all places!

    Does the honorable portion of the family that wants to protect Grandpa's memory agree with letting the Bad Banta's just roam the countryside playing Shawnee, Green Beret, Born Again Christian, etc in order to fleece the next innocent or are the Good Bantas willing to do something?

  17. To be honest I don't have anything to do with Dan, Leann or Naomi, for reasons other than all this. I have my opinions on the Native American thing, but that doesn't matter, if laws were really broken (like I said, I have no clue about that) then I hope they meet the consequences. But I know for a fact that the two children removed from their niece's care weren't stolen Dcs removed them, placed them with family members, then the mother signed away her rights to avoid trouble with DCS. That is the extent I do know for sure. I merely posted that comment (and somehow apparently deleted it) to ask for some respect for a deceased member of my husband's family. You seem to have alot more information than I do about the situation, because I don't know about a grandson who had any company, I'm not saying it can't be true, I jut really don't know. Either way this public forum won't give you the justice you feel you're owed. I can't give you that either. Lastly, I am most certainly not intimidated by Dan, and bully or not, he doesn't bother me. I choose to stay away from them because they are prideful, arrogant, and dishonest. I have incredible respect for the rest of this family, they are a colorful group but very caring and loving group of people. But that's just my opinion of everything, I didn't grow up with the Banta's, I don't even know ALL of them, but I'm pretty confident that they have some spectacular meme era in this family. It's really sad that one family kinda ruined everyone's opinions of the the rest of the family, but they'll live. I'm sorry, and I hope you get the answers you're looking for.

    1. Just***
      Spectacular people in*** pardon my autocorrect!

  18. It sounds like you really may be a nice lady. Unfortunately, by now all of this has ben archived by so many places your grand fathers picture even if they take it down here is store on many other hard drives. What you did explaining will also be stored forever. Nothing ever really goes away on the internet. Be ready to show your kids how you defended Grandpa. I don't know what else you can do.

    As for Dcs giving the kids to Dan and Leann. They invoked ICWA Child Indian Welfare Act in order to provoke Dcs into only giving the baby to them as "the only Indians in the area". Only it is all white people gone bad and they do not qualify to invoke ICWA. Dan and Leann made sure they harassed that mother as much as possible. In fact they considered going after baby three "to keep it in the tribe" but the birth mom outsmarted them and arranged her own open adoption as per Naomi. I still watched Naomi stalk her on the net one summer before I figured out what was going on. One afternoon the parents roade by looking. The Bad Bantas went into fits. Hide the baby. Like she was going to steal him. I got the feeling maybe two parents that were slimed out of their kids by a wily or as you put it prideful, arrogant, and dishonest uncle were just trying to get a glimpse of their son. You got those three down pat.

    I am working for justice outside of this forum. The wheels turn slowly but they turn. Some statue of limitations come up soon so I expect to see some action before then.

    I am sorry the Bad Bantas are ruining your family. But, someone needs to put a net over their antics. They got me for about 5k in cattle, fencing, and feed. Ever see my Champion Dexter stock that was at their house? I am sure Leann introduced them as her cows. I had to correct her on that several times on line. Which is why I believe she could have easily coveted that boy and made it look like Dcs dropped them in her arms...I have heard other stores...straight from them.

  19. Sam, on the FB page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Indiana-Fathers-Rights-Movement/737706182926534 Naomi posted the below post asking if anyone knows a good attorney. I know you don't do FB but I find it very interesting. Could it be possible the child was never officially adopted? Chief Charlie had his family snowed he was really federally recognized. Could he have done the same re her little brother?

    Naomi G. S. Banta September 8 at 3:35pm Does anyone have a referral for a very good men's rights attorney, preferably one that is experienced at dealing with false domestic abuse claims?

    Naomi posted the above here. Before taking any case associated with her and her family please read this: http://stolenchildrenicwa.blogspot.com/2013/11/standing-our-ground-or-falling-down.html

    1. If you are concerned they have children and have not legally adopted, you need to contact Department of Child Services Ombudsman Bureau 317 234-7361

  20. Thank you for the number Sam, I will call. Someone recently told my husband that Chief Charlie told some people that WE are trying to steal his kid! And, that is why I am posting here. Similar to Naomi claiming that I was posting because I tried to join his tribe and didn't meet the bar to join. That makes no sense to me. How outing his misuse of ICWA is because we are trying to steal his stolen kid.

    The simple truth is they are scammers and stole thousands in cattle, fencing and feed from me in a scam they set up with Rhonda and Jonathan Kirk of Martinsville. I didn't know the four's history until I started researching and found a lot...especially on your blog. And, I certainly am not trying to take that poor boy away from them...unless to see him go back to his birth mom if she was scammed out of him..and his sister that Naomi told you about.

    Naomi putting an ad up looking for a very good lawyer experienced in dealing with false domestic abuse claims has me confused. On virtually EVERY board and article out there she is commenting on being pro-ICWA and how it saves Indian children and how her parents used it to save her little brother.....why would such a noble deed done by such an honorable Shawnee Chief need such a lawyer? Or, is she now spreading her expert assistance to a new family?

    Good Lord I wish they would all sign themselves in for a mental health check. I think they really believe their own lies.
