Sunday, December 8, 2013

Nikki Haley, South Carolina

Governor Nikki Haley of South Carolina, a PUBLIC FIGURE has her eyes set on the Presidency of the United States... lets look at some issues that will haunt her... first, everyone should know, South Carolina is one of the top two racist states in the country, and should not be a place considered as a destination for tourists.

Her official Facebook  page has this:

"We won't have Michael Haley home for Thanksgiving but our family could not be more thankful for him and his brothers and sisters in uniform. Stay safe and come home to us!"
"Waiting on rotary flight for final mission with LTC Ward and MAJ Morris."
How ironic, while at the same time, she refuses to drop the charges filed on Dusten Brown for "custodial interference" a felony charge:

Dusten Brown's daughter was sold to the Capobianco's for ten thousand dollars, Dusten Brown did not give his consent to the selling of his daughter. South Carolina courts found he was a "thwarted father" and the law Indian Child Welfare Act should apply since Dusten Brown is a member of the Cherokee Nation, the courts of South Carolina gave Dusten his daughter. He legally took her from South Carolina and moved her to the state of which she was born, and to her family she should never have been removed from.

When the Capobianco's went on their media blitz, crying their adopted daughter was taken from them, they were lying, because they had NOT adopted Veronica at that time, she was NOT their adopted daughter! But the public bought into the lie. They used manipulation to get the courts to agree with them and force the courts to give them an adoption they did not, and do not deserve.

While Dusten Brown was at a required training in Iowa, he was supposed to take his daughter to South Carolina to meet the Capobianco's. The Capobianco's expected him to go AWOL to do as they wised... but he couldn't, so Solicitor General Scarlett Wilson in Charleston County South Carolina charged Dusten Brown with "custodial interference" a felony that could put him in prison for five years. Melanie Capobianco called the Sheriff of Nowata County Oklahoma, demanding he go and get Veronica and return her to South Carolina... that didn't go well for Melanie, she was made a laughing stock for her childish demands she gave to the Nowata Sheriff.

The law that was used was for a child taken, and held without permission, so the other parent could not have access. This law does not apply to Dusten Brown! He had the court order to take Veronica home to Oklahoma! The Capobianco's had not gotten a "adoption" of Veronica until just days earlier!

So, governor Haley issued a Governor warrant for Dusten Brown... sent it to Oklahoma governor Mary Fallin, and at first, Fallin refused to sign, the Capobianco's flew into Tulsa, Oklahoma with Troy Dunn on his private jet, Fallin stated to the media, if Dusten Brown did not allow Capobianco's to visit Veronica, she would sign the order... and even though the Capobianco's were visiting with Veronica, they were telling people they were not seeing her... they lie... when a Marshall with the Cherokee Nation over heard Capobianco's discussing just taking Veronica and leaving, the Marshall's ended their visit that day. Capobianco's went to Fallin, who upon the word of the Capobianco's, signed the governor's warrant, Dusten turned himself into the Sheriff, and he posted bond. This enraged the Capobianco's that he would get a bond.

So in the end, Dusten was forced to turn his very much loved daughter over to people who kidnapped her by using coercion and manipulation. These people did not and DO NOT love Veronica, for them, it was about "winning".

But, as I stated, Haley has her eyes on the white house... and her hypocrisy shows she in no way deserves to lead a country, she does not have the leadership to be ever considered.

Right now, on her Facebook page, she stated people should do "one act of kindness" for the Christmas season... and when many, many people suggest her act of kindness should be to drop the charges against Dusten Brown, is to delete their posts, and block the poster from posting.

So it is clearly obvious if Haley were to become president, the first thing she would do is to try and stop freedom of speech... because if you do not agree with her, you must be prevented from speaking.. while other posts on her random act of kindness remain, those posts include "it would be a random act of kindness to dispatch all liberals by violent -- "shoot them" -- means"  "it would be a random act of kindness to drive all of Muslim faith out of your fair state by proactive -- buy them gas"

I will leave it to the reader to decide where Nikki Haley's moral and ethical values are at.... until then... I have a personal message to Nikki Haley:

Here you are with your children, it is the Christmas season of 2013, you and only you have created a conjure for yourself. Look at these children, what will you ever do if you were to have one removed from your life? What will it take for you to understand the pain you have caused the biological father of Dusten Brown? What of the emotional trauma and pain you have caused Veronica? You smiled while a four year old child cried "I don't wanna go! I don't wanna go!" she does not want to be with the Capobianco's anymore than one of your own children would want to be forced to live with a stranger! How about you have enough time to pack two bags for your son, knowing he wants to be with HIS family, but being forced to live with people he is NOT related to? Why don't you go practice it?

You might believe you have the support of the people for taking Veronica away from her daddy... but you have obviously not read all the polls on the issue.. and I for one, will be sure, this will haunt you for as long as you are in the political arena, and for sometime after... in fact, I hope when Veronica grows up, and lets face it, that's not too far away, I pray she takes legal action against you, for the abuse you have forced upon her.

PS to anyone concerned, the photos used are public domain photos, placed in the public by the Facebook page for Nikki Haley, I am standing on my first amendment rights, freedom of speech. You cannot stop us from speaking the truth that you so wish to hide... You have control on your Facebook, but you do not have control over us! Now, shut up and sit down!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Justice Roberts, How To Steal A Child

Dear Veronica,

I have recently read a interesting quote regarding United States Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, I wish to share that with you:

"This is not a win for anyone,” said a Washington, D.C.-based attorney who had been monitoring the situation since January. “And certainly not for the Capobiancos, who had the force of the court system behind them, including Chief Justice John Roberts, who is now the de facto head of the U.S. adoption industry. With this case, from which he should have recused himself, his name and legacy are forever stained with the injustice that was done to Dusten Brown, his biological daughter and Indian tribes in general. He alone pushed this case before the Supreme Court.”

NO, you were not taken from your father because it was "right" or even that the "law" agreed that it was in your "best interests" the truth is, you were taken from your daddy because the Capobianco's used people, people who had connections. One attorney who was involved in removing you from your loving father is Lori Alvino McGill, not only was Chief Justice Roberts a attendee at Lori and her husband's wedding, he is personal friends with them, and the ONLY reason your case was taken into the Supreme Court to be heard.

Roberts should have recused himself, as he is involved in a unethical adoption himself, along with his activities in the adoption industry, what he has done is very unethical. The sad part is he knows what he did is wrong, but he did it for his friends the McGill's.

It is unethical that as soon as you were stolen by Matthew Capobianco and Melanie Duncan Capobianco, they filed a lawsuit against your dad, they want 1.2 million dollars, for what they claim are attorney fees. But never forget what excuse they may give you, and in fact will tell you it is not them who is suing, but their attorneys who are suing, yet the lawsuit states "Adoptive Couple Vs. Baby Girl, a minor under the age of fourteen years, Birth Father and the Cherokee Indian Nation" and guess who Baby Girl is? It is you... they are suing you!

Why are they suing you? At this time, one can only speculate that it is to hold over your head, have that power and control over you, to force you to stay with them even though YOU know your DADDY loves you and WANTS YOU HOME! You don't belong with the Capobianco's and you know you don't.

Did the Capobianco's ever think of you? I think it is clear they did not once consider you in their pursuit of obtaining you and holding you like a slave, yes a slave, because they believe they OWN you...

You are like the Indian children who were forced away from their families and forced into white Indian boarding school, where they put little children in handcuffs to insure they would be held captive... here is the handcuffs used in Kansas to put on tiny little children:

Here is a picture of your handcuffs:

No, I do not believe they really ever cared about you, because they made a lot of money off of you! They called it donations to cover legal fee's, but neglected to tell the public that their attorneys were working for free!

Here are a few photos that was part of their fund raising, while you were living with your Daddy, Dusten Brown, when you were so happy with your family, these two people were busy with Jessica Munday on how they could profit off you:

Bracelets at five dollars each... thousands were sold.

There is your name, for Veronica....

Yes Veronica, even as you celebrated your fourth birthday with your Daddy, Mommy, Grandparents and much of your real family, the Capobianco's got over thirty thousand dollars from people who felt sorry for them, and these same people were led to believe you were in "danger" and everyone needed to "save Veronica"

Innocent people gave money to Matt and Melanie because they had helped Jessica Munday spread lies that your safety was in danger, that you were being held against your will, and how far did their lies go? They lied so much, they even claimed you knew who Melanie was the first time you seen her and called her "mommy" they were telling people the only reason you smiled for the cameras with your Daddy is because he was feeding you candy to get you to smile. You were almost four years old and they had people believing you had no clean water, no food, and no diapers! They wanted people to believe this even though you were well fed, had clean water and you didn't need diapers!

They are grand manipulators, and the day you were forced away from your daddy, you had your teddy bear, dressed in army greens, your daddy asked you, "Who wears that kind of uniform?" You giggled, and said "You Daddy!" Your dad held his tears back as he was forced to pack your bags for you to leave with the Capobianco's. you cried "I don't want to go! I don't want to go!" Believe me, no one wanted you to go, no one other than the Capobianco's... they never cared about what you wanted, the only thing they cared about is what they wanted. Even when you find this blog, it will still be what THEY want...

Do you still have your much loved teddy bear or did the Capobianco's throw it out on the way to South Carolina when they stole you from your daddy? Here you are, with your teddy bear and your daddy.

There you are, clutching your teddy bear and your Daddy hugging you right before he left for training, sent to the state of Iowa , he was not able to take you to meet with the Capobianco's due to this required training, so, the Capobianco's went to the media, claimed you had been "kidnapped" even demanded a abducted child alert to be issued, and they pretty much got what they wanted, a warrant was issued for the arrest of your Daddy, a warrant that to this day as I write this, is still there. Matt and Melanie REFUSE to ask that the false charges against your Daddy be dropped. They want him to go to prison.

The Capobianco's do not want you to see photographs of you with your real family, because they know you want to go home... so I am posting photos of your fourth birthday party, a celebration just a week before you were forcibly removed from your REAL family.

You didn't even get to take all your birthday presents with you when you were forced to go live with the Capobianco's.

Never forget that the Capobianco's used whatever they could to force you away from YOUR family, and that is NOT LOVE! They were being vindictive.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Attention Banta Family and Those Connected!

I am very proud to announce that you have been busy running trying to clean off all your websites, and your false claims to being federally recognized. Two things you have no control over, the private messages Naomi sent with these claims, and the web cashed files where you have made the claims, along with your claims of taking two children using ICWA.

You are scum, the lowest of the lows. You are worse than the Capobianco's who stole a child, you tried to steal a tribe identity, and by doing that, you stole not one, but TWO children by making false claims.

I know you are reading this page, so I am telling you, and the world of what you have done! No child can be raised in a healthy house that is part of scams, lies, and god knows what else you are doing, you people are sick, sick, SICK, and karma is coming for you.

PS The more you remove from the web, the faster my blog comes to the top in engine searches, I can only encourage you to remove more, more, MORE!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Standing Our Ground, or Falling Down?

Folks, if you have ever watched Jon Stewart, then you will understand why I wish I could present this post in my best Jon Stewart impersonation. I, much like Stewart, stand up for what I see is wrong. You just cannot right a wrong.

The Standing Our Ground movement began with the best of intentions, but when Veronica was forced to go with the Capobianco's, it is as if the whole movement has fallen apart. Most of those who are part of that movement cannot get over the fact that Veronica is gone. Some of the members look to the future to fight for the ICWA law, others have focused on other men trying to get custody of their children who have been unethically adopted out, while most members can only sit around and complain about what has happened, they are stuck in a rut, no help or use to anyone.

When a dear friend of mine decided it was time to seek other action, she stated publically that her focus would be on protecting ICWA. She is from the Shawnee tribe of Oklahoma, and she has always worked to protect her people. So, the comment left by one of our readers, about a man named Charlie "Two Hats" Banta caught her attention. This name is known to her because in 2006, this man decided he was Indian, not just any Indian, but a Shawnee, and upon a trip to Ohio, where he says his mother had memories of Shawnee Indians dancing on a flat area on top a hill, upon getting to Ohio, they found a hill with a flat top and his mother claimed that is where the Shawnee's danced.

I don't know how many of you know history, but I cannot figure out just how old his mother is, because the Shawnees were forced to remove from the Ohio valley in 1830.

Charlie "Two Hats" Banta, then declared himself a "Chief" and named his "tribe" "Platform Reservation Remnant Shawnee", he could not use the name "Ridgetop" because another fake group uses that name. But give poor Charlie a break, he has gotten his little tribe (consisting of family) a 501c status and now claims they are a church! Its not like churches are full of liars, thieves and scam artists.

So, we come to a comment left here by a reader concerning this person, "Chief Charlie Two Hats Banta" concerning his misuse of the ICWA, and this in turn did catch the attention of my dear friend, and myself of course!

It was interesting when two nights ago, my friend seen on a Facebook page where a member in the private group "Always Stand Our Ground For Veronica Brown"  (or some such name under that) where a person named "Naomi G.S. Banta" posted "I need to contact the person who has the blog Stolen Children ICWA" my friend asked what she needed, and she got a email from Naomi.

Folks, I can tell you this was a bombshell!

Photo of Naomi G.S. Banta doing a two step with Grandpa

Wait, she is not the bombshell, what she wrote is!

"Naomi G. S. Banta
Isaac's mother was adopted, foster to adopt.
What the commenter failed to mention is that Isaac was removed from his home first for shaken baby (still in the air as to WHO) and then later for neglect. The tribe stepped in at first to keep him out of foster care but then eventually worked WITH CPS. ICWA was only invoked to keep him in a family situation."
"She signed him away before Regan (Isaac's sister) was born to keep Reagan from being a CHINS case (Child in Need of Services). "
"Reagan was removed at three days when she told the doctor that there were opiates in the house. Then again at about three months old over an eye infection that never did get cared for properly and in near heatstroke. My sister got custody at that point. Before she turned two, the state of Indiana had revoked her parental rights."

"(CPS, after ICWA was invoked, after the judge told them that the baby went with family, STILL offered to place Isaac)"

"Baby number 3 has been adopted out of tribe. Both parents consented, we didn't contest, we were very very relieved that the baby was being taken care of. I stay in contact with the biological mother."

"Isaac is a happy healthy four year old who adores his sisters and brothers. Reagan is two now and she has two big brothers and a little sister and sees Isaac pretty often. Buck, the youngest is a year old, his adoptive Mom is keeping a pretty good record of stuff for him."

"As far as the other stuff? Robin wanted to be adopted into our tribe and she's not. And if you all want, Dad (the chief) did offer to speak to whomever to set all the record straight. We have all of the documentation too..."
"and at three days old it was Reagan's bio mom"

"Oops, I don't stay in contact with the biological mother. I stay in contact with Buck's adoptive mother."
"None of these were fast tracked."

OK, lets see if I understand this, Isaac's mother was adopted, ok so that means she is not related to you by blood, check mark that.. so, her child was reported to be abused, and so your dad, a person who made up his own tribe, invoked ICWA to keep this child with family? REALLY? REALLY?

News flash, even REAL Indians who adopt someone who is not Indian cannot make them members of a tribe. But I bet, she didn't know, the person who she was sending this message too already knew about these people, so, she asks her:

 OK, ICWA is for Federally Recognized Tribes ONLY, tell me, what federally recognized tribe is you dad the chief of? 

Her reply, are you ready for this?

Naomi G. S. Banta
We are Platform Reservation Remnant Band Shawnee - Federally recognized as native but not federally tribal...
Also Cherokee.

Booyah! Gotcha! Wait, didn't I state earlier that this group claims to be a church? Isn't one of the ten commandments "Thou shalt not lie"? If you know my friend, you know she cannot resist a open opportunity like this, so she commented:

"No you not, you are not recognized at all! You people are what us real Shawnees call fakes and frauds. Making shit up as you go along. You think that wannabe group is new to me? I AM a member of a FEDERALLY RECOGNIZED SHAWNEE TRIBE you people want to steal from us and get attention for yourself as SOMETHING YOU ARE NOT you want to lie, twist our history, make shit up, pretend.... but now you crossed a line, YOU state YOU people used a FEDERAL LAW to obtain a child under ICWA"

Naomi replies! (ok I didn't say this woman was smart)

Naomi G. S. Banta

we are a TREATY tribe.
And I guess, we did get federally recognized recently. I stand corrected.

Did I mention my friend cannot resist a opportunity when someone opens a door like this? And she didn't miss it!

"You are not federally recognized at all! Who do you think your talking to? Some idiot that will buy this bullshit?
There is NO SUCH THING as a "treaty tribe"

You want to fucking lie to people, you better be sure it will be people who will buy your bullshit"

(Did I fail to mention my friend can make a sailor blush?)

"Sam will be blogging this, along with your messages and whatever else he needs to do to show the law has been abused!"

Do you think Sam will blog it? I cannot resist something that is this damn good!

No Facebook account for Sam, I depend on friends to get me those tidy pictures that have been put into public viewing on Facebook, I am sure I could find them using other avenues, but why bother when someone like Naomi keeps them all out there for public viewing!

There are a few photos I wish to share, this photo is of the "grandmother drum" The photographer in the background has that "WTH" look on his face, or maybe he wants to tell Charlie he is using the wrong end of the stick.. and he is not the only one in the wrong! Indians see this picture, and they know it belongs to "When White People Go Bad"

Then we have Leeann and Charles Banta, no one has quite figured out what they are wearing, but we suspect they are doing a Revolutionary War re-enactment and Charlie is a English solider with his doting wife, I have no idea what she is holding.

When the Standing Our Ground group, gives people like this credit, they cause harm to their cause, and the Save Veronica Rose group, laughs their asses off. But when SOG removes their most active supporters, who are doing more than complaining and making meme's in a hidden private group, they wind up burning bridges they cannot rebuild, their ship is sinking fast with people like Naomi G.S. Banta at their helm.
Folks, what the Banta's have done, is as unethical as the Capobianco's stealing of little Veronica Brown. And that is the point I want everyone to understand, it does not matter who abuses ICWA, it is being abused, and it is up to us to fight to protect it, and make it stronger, our children depend on us!
 My friend asked me to mention founder of Standing Our Ground, lets hear it for Johnna Payne-Hurt, who has a imagination that she can trade mark the term "Standing Our Ground" ... yes, I think she is falling down, because she too is a pretendian.



Thursday, November 14, 2013

Veronica Gets A Lifetime Label

Little Veronica Brown, aka Veronica Capobianco, aka Veronica Rose Capobianco... at the young age of four, her adoptive parents, Matt Capobiano and Melanie Duncan Capobianco, aka Veronica's kidnappers, have done the worst thing ever, that anyone could do to a child.. they have had little Veronica legally listed as a "special needs child".

People who have not followed this case, or perhaps reading this case many years later, might think that little Veronica has learning disabilities, when in fact, she is a very bright child, then one might think she has physical handicaps of some kind, and this child is a very healthy, full functioning child. In fact, there is nothing at all wrong with this child, except for the very thing the Capobianco's hate about her, that is the fact that Veronica is a Native American.. and it is due to the Native blood in Veronica that allowed them to get their case pushed through court, and put the horrible title on this child that she is "special needs"

If you consider that Dusten Brown fought in court for his daughter from the second he learned her biological mother, Christinna (sometimes spelled Christina), and known as Christy Maldonado, sold her to the Capobianco's for over ten thousand dollars, then he gained custody of Veronica when she was two years old, only to have her stolen by the Capobianco's when she was four years old.

There is no doubt in over thirteen thousand people who support Dusten to have the right to raise his daughter in HER loving family, and within her culture and for this, Veronica is being punished by being labeled "special needs".

Who does that to a normal, healthy child of which they claim they love? Well, Matt Capobianco and Melanie Duncan Capobiano does! And what makes it worse is the fact that Melanie Duncan Capobianco is in the profession of child psychology, which leaves little doubt to anyone that Veronica has become Melanie's guinea pig to brain wash her and make her believe that she is "her" child. Matt nor Melanie want Veronica to remember her family in Oklahoma. They do not want her to know her daddy loves her, and has always wanted her.

I guess that is why there are so many blogs out there, because thousands of us want Veronica to remember, Veronica should never forget what these vile people have done to her, and her real family.

Capobianco's friends say they are good people, but I disagree, because a good person would not have been so selfish as to fight a biological father for his child, a good person would not label a child as "special needs" when in fact, they are not a special needs person.

I believe, Capobianco's have always wanted nothing more from Veronica than what money she will earn them, for there are special tax credits for people who adopt, and those tax credits jump up real high when people adopt "special needs" children, and the only thing that could get them to label Veronica as "special needs" is the fact she is Native American.

They want Veronica to hate the very blood that runs through her veins. Thankfully, this child has experienced her culture, she has stomp danced, she has shaken the shells, she has danced in a pow wow, she knows the drum, the drum is in her soul, it is part of calling a Indian home when they are lost... and the Capobianco's will learn, Veronica will return home to her family and her people, she will be welcomed and we will dance!

There is little Veronica, dancing at the Cherokee National Holiday 2013, she is leading in the Grand Entry, with Chief Bill John Baker, Baker's wife and granddaughter holding Veronica's hand but out of sight from camera, behind Veronica is her real daddy, Dusten Brown, next to Brown is Robin Brown, Dusten's wife who in this photo is behind Bill John Baker and not seen. Yes Veronica, remember the pow wow? The sounds of the drums calling to you as I type, and they will call for you until you return home, then we all shall dance a victory dance!

Veronica was so proud of the dance shall her Grandma Brown made for her! She is such a beautiful Indian girl!  Each fringe is hand tied onto the shall, don't ever forget Veronica, your grandma and grandpa Brown love you so very, very much!

Every day, so many people are sending prayers to Veronica, we pray that those kidnappers do not try to make you ashamed of being Indian, we pray they do not tell you lies that you are "only 1%" or tell you that you are not "enough" Indian, worse, that they will tell you the Cherokee people will "reject" you, because none of that is true... In the Indian world, there is no percentage, either you are, or you are not Indian, and dear Veronica, you are very much Indian!

*Notice to Capobianco's or their attorney's... I know you try to get the photos removed from all online sources that display Veronica with her real family, photos of her with her father, or photos of her enjoying life during the two years she enjoyed with her daddy, I am sure you want to remove all images so you can lie to her... The images I have posted are not owned by you, these images have been used in public newspapers and therefore public domain. I am standing on my first amendment rights. If you attempt, or have a third party attempt to remove my freedom of speech, I will sue you*

Love as always,


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The introduction to the welfare lady

Her memories of her childhood are very clear, she remembers dancing at stomp dances as early as the age of three, she remembers her belly jiggling when her aunt carried her into a pow wow arena and danced while holding her. She remembers happy times and sad times. She was always a part of her family and tribe.

When her parents divorced, she was four years old, she shocked her mother with details she gave of her grandmothers earrings she wore during that time, when her mother disagreed, stating her mother never wore a pair of earrings like that, a aunt said "OH! I know those earrings! I have them!" to which the aunt not only produced the earrings, but gave them to my friend who so vividly remembered them, the color, the shape and how they moved.

I never would doubt my friends memory when it comes to details on her life, so I can only imagine the horror of which she describes to me, that I am going to share here, with anyone who finds this blog.

Never regretted growing up and being little when the Beatles came to America, it seemed to have been a different world, a different time. It was a time when you could sleep with your windows open, and your doors unlocked. The Boston Strangler was a world away from where she lived with her mother and her sister.

The house was small, there was what she says is a bedroom and a half, because the second bedroom was so small a roll away bed could barely fit in! Todays standards, some walk in closets are bigger than the second bedroom was. The floors were all hard wood, back then, carpet was a luxury. The kitchen was open, and looked out over a sunken living room, with high ceilings. Outside, in the back yard was a two foot stone wall, and a garage that her grandpa put in a wood burning stove so he could work there in the winter time. In the front yard was a lilac bush, with other bushes that flowered, but she loved the lilacs best of all.

The house set back away from the street, with a long brick driveway that went straight to the door. The house itself was built like a log cabin. It was her most favorite home of all! She loved that house!

One day in 1965, her mother was frantic, cleaning everything! Waxing the floors, scrubbing down the windows, they had very little furniture, a small black and white television that they rented for five dollars a week. The little girl, then aged 6, asked why was this fuss? Her mother explained to her the welfare lady was coming to check on them, no explaining was needed, as this small girl knew, when the welfare showed up, Native children would disappear, most were never seen again. Her fear of the welfare lady put her into tears, her mother calmed her down and let her know everything would be okay.

Her mom worked at a store as a cashier, she worked the graveyard shift, and the family could not afford a babysitter. Family would come and stay with the girls, they were always cared for.

Her mother washed and ironed everything her girls were to wear that day, the girl didn't like the feeling of starch on her underwear and socks! Their hair was fixed up. she wore a perfectly starched and ironed red and blue plaid dress that tied in the back with lace on the white collar, her shoes were black dress shoes that hurt her feet, and so, everything was set to welcome the welfare lady.

 The lady arrived, spoke with the mother, and talked to the girls, checking over the girls for any signs of bruises, even looking into their mouths to see if their teeth had been brushed! Oh how the little girl wanted to kick off these starched clothes and shoes and run away! But she knew she had to be a perfect child. The welfare lady checked into the refrigerator, the cupboards, checked the bedrooms, and frowned on the little half bedroom stating that was not acceptable.

The child felt this woman was far too nosey, and so wished she could tell the snooty lady such, but she behaved.

The lady left, with promises to return. And so it all began...

The young girls learned that anytime, a nice car, with a woman dressed all up in high heels came to the house, it was the dreaded welfare lady! They would see the car coming up the brick driveway, and they would go out the other door and hide! Hide fast! She will take us away! These girls lived with this fear. It did not matter the weather, rain, hail, snow, or hot summer days, once, when the girl had turned seven years old, the welfare lady showed up, and in great fear, she ran, she forgot her coat, and her shoes, ran out and hid behind the stone wall, it had been snowing, it was so cold! She had no idea of how long it was before the welfare lady left, but nothing could have made her come out of her hiding place!

It was that summer, the family packed up and left their much loved little house. They went and lived with a friend of their mother, a friend who welcomed them to be part of her family, and thus, the family dropped off the grid of the ever spying welfare. It was difficult for them, no home of their own, feeling like criminals when they broke no laws. Their mother and her good friend both sacrificing to be sure the welfare would not take two little Indian girls.

Her biggest fear is not for herself, it is for her grandchildren. She does not want to have to teach her grandchildren how to hide from welfare people, but she will. This time it would be different, she said she would build a hiding room for her grandchildren, it will be a hidden safety room, where they would be warm in the winter, dry during rain storms, and cool during the summer.... but why should she have to do that?

The legal system needs to follow the law. Adoption attorneys need to consider the rights of fathers, and mostly, the children need to be respected and not traumatized so those who cannot have children are satisfied

Monday, November 11, 2013

We Demand Our Privacy!

Earlier was written about Matt and Melanie Capobianco's need for the media attention. They called news conferences in South Carolina, and in Tulsa, Oklahoma. They, along with Jessica Munday, and lets not forget the opportunist who stalked the Brown family and Veronica, Troy Dunn!

When Matt, Melanie and Jessica began their media circus, going very public on the show Dr. Phil, CNN, Fox News, HLN and every news station they could get their pouting mugs on, they GAVE UP THEIR RIGHT TO PRIVACY!

Troy Dunn had his cameras rolling on them every second he could get, why? For his "documentary" he is doing on this little girl... a child who has been FORCED into the media by Matt Capobianco, Melanie Duncan Capobianco, Jessica Munday, and Troy Dunn.

Now Matt Capobianco, Melanie Duncan Capobianco are crying "WE WANT OUR PRIVACY!" Nope, sorry, you are NO LONGER INTITLED TO PRIVACY! You gave that up, for yourself and your STOLEN child.

So far, they have succeeded in getting photos scrubbed from Facebook, and other places, but since these photos have been in the media, and on Facebook, provided BY the Capobianco's, they no longer have a voice in the matter! It is all PUBLIC DOMAIN!

Example of a photo they want removed, and have been successful in getting removed and banned on Facebook:

This is a photograph supplied by the Brown family gathering for Veronica's fourth birthday party, in this photo, are members of the Brown family, Veronica's REAL family... and there is Veronica, dressed in her favorite color, pink, right there in front center.

Here is another picture of Veronica from her birthday party, HER mommy helping her play soft ball! What a great time they had! And another photo not allowed on Facebook due to the demands of the Capobianco's.

Maybe Matt and Melanie do not want Veronica to remember these happy, happy times with her very loving family, so they make the choice to "scrub" the web free of these images... funny thing is, these photos are not theirs to scrub! These photos were taken out in the open! These photos do not belong to the Capobiancos, nor do they own a copyright on them! In fact, the child in the photo is Veronica BROWN, and since she is in the open, no privacy laws would be violated. But then again, Capobianco's have given up their right to privacy!

Hey Matt, Melanie, Jessica and Troy, don't like what I write? Don't like the truth? Here is a photo for you, specially from me!

You're welcomed!

She remembers everything!

The words of the Capobianco's as quoted in their local news rag, the "Charleston Post and Courier",  that Veronica "remembered their house! Even her bedroom!"

Was it mentioned Jessica Munday's brother, Dave Munday is a employee there who wrote many stories on Veronica? The Charleston Post and Courier has always reported this case, the way Munday asked them to do, not biased at all is it?

I present to everyone, a photograph from the Post and Courier of Matt and Melanie Capobianco, standing in the bedroom of which Veronica left when her real daddy got custody of her.

Then a news story from the same paper, showing the room they claim she remembers:


The only thing I can see that might be similar is Melanie's frumpy style of dressing.

*note, all photographs are from published photographs in public domain*

Dedication to Veronica

Matt and Melanie Capobiano have stolen little Veronica from her home, from her daddy who she loves, from her whole family to which she shares her DNA with. She was stolen from her tribe. As a enrolled member of the Cherokee Nation, no one can remove her tribal membership, no one but Veronica herself, and she must be at least 18 years old before the tribe will accept her name being taken off their member rolls.

To thousands of people, Veronica will always be, Veronica Brown, very much loved by her family, and her sister, Kelsy, who called her Ronnie.

My life, along with many others, have dedicated ourselves to be sure, Veronica will know the truth! We are demanding our First Amendment Rights, our Freedom of Speech, to expose the lies told by Matt Capobianco, Melanie Capobianco, Jessica Munday and her Trio Solutions, along with Lisa Morris of the "Christian Coalition for Indian Child Welfare"

When South Carolina Supreme Court ruled that Dusten Brown was a thwarted father, and that he was to have custody, the Capobianco's kept Veronica until they had exhausted their appeals. Veronica was turned over to Dusten Brown, her REAL father in Decemeber 2011.

The Capobianco's, along with the help of Jessica Munday of Trio Solutions, had began a media circus, going public with their stories, their first lie was "Veronica, the adopted daughter of the Capobiancos" truth was, Veronica had NOT been adopted, the Capobianco's were only considered a "potential adoptive parents" aka "PAP" and there is no doubt that both Melanie and Matt knew they had not adopted Veronica, because it is in Melanie's court testimony that they were not Veronica's parents.

Anytime, Capobianco's could get the media attention to their cause, they were ever present, providing photographs of Veronica, and making sure their faces looked so sad, which was a ploy to gain sympathy from the public, and they would go to the news media to give statements, and always present was Jessica Munday, who would talk her tough talk, while Matt and Melanie leaned upon each other in the back ground. They were not very good with their crocodile tears, Melanie, as if on cue, would put her fact into Matt's shoulder, pretend to cry, turn around, with no tears. Ahhh but the public fell for it, they fell hook, line and stinker! Yes, stinker, because this acting trio just stunk!

So, Veronica, when you seek the truth, seek it all, don't let anyone tell you that only they have the truth, seek the truth for yourself, seek the court transcripts which have been made public, read where Matt and Melanie both admit to paying your birth mother $10,000.00 to be able to obtain you. Read where they KNEW you were a Indian child, and knew this BEFORE you were born, be sure to pay close attention to where they confess, YOUR father would not consent to a adoption. Read how they lied, to get you out of Oklahoma without the knowledge or approval of your father, or the Cherokee Nation.

Make sure you make up your OWN mind, don't let these people influence you, do it on your own if you need.. but know, YOU WILL ALWAYS BE WELCOMED HOME! Home to Tahlequah, Oklahoma where your tribe is, home to Nowata, Oklahoma where you lived for nearly two years and you were so very happy!

Photos of Veronica while living with her real daddy.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Dusten Brown, a honored father

When the news broke that Dusten Brown, the real father of Veronica, who has been forced into an unethical adoption by Matt and Melanie Capobianco, was to be honored at the 70th annual National Congress of American Indians, it did not take long for the people full of hate to respond on news articles online.

These people fail to see the ignorance of their statements, and more so, their ignorance of their knowledge of Indian people.

We honor the people who fight for our country, and we honor those who fight for what is right, we honor our elders, our children, and those who stand out for exceptional courage. Dusten Brown has shown so much courage in this battle he has been going through because he LOVES his daughter.

Had the Capobianco's decided to end the fight, and left Veronica with her father, they would have been honored in ways most people can only imagine. The Indian communities would have stood up, and taken them as our own. They would have gained so much family, and been over whelmed with the out pouring of support that no public relations business could have given them. Instead, they proved to many people beyond the Indian communities just how self righteous and selfish they are. Their white entitlement attitude to destroy a little girl and her family has been broadcasted like a beacon in the night.

We will all learn from this, there is a lesson for everyone, but sadly the majority of those who supported the Capobianco's will never open their minds to their own lessons, not even when Veronica finds the thousands of posts, and blogs concerning her life, and how two selfish people would stoop at nothing to procure what they wanted without the thought or consideration to Veronica of what she herself wanted.

People are close minded, they think Veronica will forget her real dad, her real grandparents, her real family, and that when she is 18, she will thank these people for robbing her of the life she had with her people, her tribe. No words could sound more hollow.

Veronica will be reading and writing very soon, she will know how to use a computer, she will google her name, and her friends will google her name... should she forget her real family (which I highly doubt) she will learn, at some time in the not so distant future, of what happened.

I hope Veronica finds this blog, because I would give her advice, that advice would be, if she wants to be with her daddy, all she has to do is find a attorney, and take her own action against the Capobianco's, she does not have to be 18 years old. I would tell her to go to the media, let the media break the story that she does not want to be with the Capobianco's, that she seeks a legal remedy for herself, as a person, a person with feelings and desires to be where she feels is her rightful place, and I would suggest she file legal action not just to be removed from the Capobianco's, but to include a law suit against them for the pain they have put her through.

This is Veronica's life, a life that has been interrupted by corruption, lies, deceit and selfishness.

When Veronica comes home, there will be celebrations, a honoring of her, and the Capobianco's are not welcomed. They are not honorable people.

These small minded people know nothing of Indian people, they just make a choice to be hateful, a hate they hope to pass along to Veronica... but in life, Veronica has danced, she has the drum in her heart, the drum is strong, it is calling her home right now...

To Matt and Melanie, the clock is ticking on you... it is only a matter of time.

To me, Veronica will always be Veronica Brown, the name Veronica Capobianco is only used here because that will be the name to which some might search to find her, and therefore used in my blog so that they will find it.

Time is ticking, each second it ticks, is one second closer to Veronica coming back to her true home, her true family, her true people.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

They Call Themselves Christians

There is a web page out there that was made to give the public information about Indian people that is false, misleading. The page is made, to fool the public, fool people and to frighten people into thinking Indian children need "saving" a large part of where the term "Save Veronica Rose" comes from.

Here is the page:

Here is just one example of false statements that was made on this page:
 "I witnessed this child being torn from its father, crying “daddy” and trying to cling to him for dear life. The transition time was 3 minutes, not even the hour that the Cs and Veronica were allowed. Shortly after this happened, I found CAICW, and unquestionably, Lisa has been a huge support in a vast sea of people who actively advocate for the ICWA, but many who do so have no idea of what a life confined to a reservation means to a child. There are few if any adults willing or able to speak out against the ICWA. Knowing that regardless of gender, it isn’t a matter of whether a child living on a reservation will be raped, trafficked or abused, but rather when, is a source of constant fear and anxiety for me now because I can do nothing but turn the situation over to our all loving God and trust that He and his angels will see fit to watch over and protect a young child I had come to love and would have gladly offered my life, time, love and financial resources to so that the child could fulfill its full potential."

First, the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma is not a reservation! Second, reservation or not, Indian people are not confined by it, we are free to come and go as we please! We are free to live anywhere in this country that we wish to live in! We are in your city, we are in your town, we are in your neighborhood, we might even live right next door to you!

We work, we are carpenters, lawyers, doctors, computer technicians, mechanics, nurses, fire fighters, police officers, EMS workers, and even politicians. There is not a job out there that a person who is of Native American blood has not had.

I would also challenge this author about watching Veronica being transferred to her father, Dusten Brown, because this was done in a law office, with no vast crowd who advocate for ICWA. In fact, it was the Capobianco's with their PR buddy, Jessica Munday who called for people to show up at the transition that was supposed to take place in a quite park! They called news cameras to come and record the event, at the last moment, the transition had to be moved to the law office due to the media spectacle THEY created around Veronica, causing her fear, and upsetting her.

We, the Indian people, are NOT prevented from speaking out about ICWA, we are not forced to support it either! Such a huge lie, and a bigger lie, is these words:

"Knowing that regardless of gender, it isn’t a matter of whether a child living on a reservation will be raped, trafficked or abused, but rather when,"

I am sure that makes many people so scared for Indian children! Oh my! We MUST save the children from this abuse! I call it a fear factor, this group wants the public to believe that Veronica will be raped, trafficked, and abused. This is not a matter of "if" it is a matter of "when"

I know a Indian woman, who is now a grandmother, during her time with her people, she states, not once did a Indian man ever put a hand on her in a disrespectful way. But when they moved to a town, where there were very few if any other Natives, and she was molested at age 14, not by a Indian, but by a white man, and it was not any white man, it was a man who worked as a Police officer! Of all the people to molest a child, this molester was someone who is supposed to be trusted, someone a child SHOULD have been safe with! But this Indian girl, was anything but safe. 

Now, do not get me wrong, rape, molestation, abuse, all of it DOES happen on Indian reservations and It happens in every city, every state, and every country. This is NOT just a Indian problem! IT is a HUMAN problem!

Each and everyone of us have read or seen the news where a child was beaten to death, a child was chained in a closet and refused food, horrible crimes against children! And not one city, not one town, not one state has not had this happen. No one race, not one culture, not one person has avoided either being a victim or knowing a victim of rape, or abuse. And that is a real sad statistic of the issue!

It is atrocious to turn a blind eye to what is happening in ones own neighborhood only to try to create fear and hate against a culture, a whole race of people. Yet, they claim to be "Christians"

They call themselves the "Christian Alliance For Indian Child Welfare" aka CAICW, but seriously, these people are no more Christian than I am the Pope! Their only purpose is to cause hate against minorities, to steal and traffic our children, by causing a fear within people, just like telling children there is a "boogeyman" outside just to create fear in them.

These people at CAICW are seriously evil, to spread lies and hate, that is NOT the Christian way. How dare they speak of what it is like to live in the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, when THEY HAVE NEVER BEEN THERE!

These people have a goal, that goal is to end Indian tribes, they want the rest of our land, and they want our most precious resources, they want our children.

The old Indian saying is "We are not defeated until the hearts of our women lay on the ground" WE WILL FIGHT THESE DEVILS!

Beware of those who are involved with this group! Jessica Munday currently denies her connection as does Troy Dunn known as the Locator, however they have been intertwined with this group!

Some names to watch for:  Christian Alliance For Indian Child Welfare, Coalition Alliance for Indian Child Welfare. CAICW, Roland J. Morris Sr., Indian Child Welfare Act, ICWA, Elizabeth Morris, Debra Belford, Andy Reum, Bonnie Hofer, Stephanie Helmholz, Rev. Cliff Stalwick, Troy Dunn The Locator, these are people who seek to ruin Indian families, their children and their culture, they firmly believe in "Kill the Indian, save the child"

Here are some screen shots from Christian Alliance For Indian Child Welfare showing who are supporting unethical adoptions, and the theft of Indian children from their loving families. 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Attack On Native Children

I decided to sit back for a few days to digest some of the things I have been reading on Facebook concerning photographs of Indian children in their traditional dress.

I have gotten permission to post a photo of a child who has been ridiculed by the supporters of Matt and Melanie Capobianco.

This little girl, who was three years old when her photograph was taken, was posted in support of Veronica Brown to have her best interest rights heard, along with supporting the United Nations statement of Veronica's civil rights.

The response to this photo came from a person named Candace Barnhart who uses this photo on her avatar for her Facebook ID

Now it must be pointed out, that Candace Barnhart is neither related to the child in the photo she uses, nor does she know that child.

What Candace Barnhart wrote following the photograph of the three year old child in her traditional buckskin dress, is this:

Candice Barnhart (September 10, 2013): "These photos are ridiculous. They totally ignore her other heritage! Disgraceful."

A three year old child, dressed in a buckskin dress, a girl who is proud of her heritage, a girl who is very much Native American, a girl that Candace Barnhart has no knowledge about, not even this child's name, somehow feels it is just to attack her because of how she is dressed.

I do not know about you, but where I am from, we call that racism.

Candace Barnhart  openly attacked with hateful words on a public message board ran by a member of the media, and the owner of that page, along with the station she works for, has allowed the hate to remain on the Facebook page.

The incident is here:

The place in Facebook this incident occurred is the page of news reporter Haley Hernandez of WCBD Television out of Charleston, South Carolina. Her Facebook page:

I understand that Haley Hernandez is a supporter of the Capobianco couple to remove this child, Veronica, from her loving, biological family in Oklahoma. She throws responsible reporting out the window and has a very biased view on the case.

Here is a photo of Ms. Hernandez:

 The link to the page of WCBD Television on Facebook:

The website to WCBD

Many other people came to the page of Ms. Hernandez to object to the posting made by Candace Barnhart decided to write more:

Candice Barnhart "What's funny is I don't have any hate in my heart for this child in the picture. What I do not like and what I think is ridiculous is you using images of young children in Native American gear to sway the hearts and minds of people when you could care less about the entire heritage of Veronica Capobianco. She is 1% Cherokee. It's incredible to me that there are so many who refuse to acknowledge this fact and think that one aspect of her heritage is more important than others. But, hey...hate away at my comment. It does not hurt my feelings. And no, Tara Falls and Crystal Golden-Anderson Stamey Thompson, keep reporting it, I will not remove it. Have a nice day."

WHAT?? I read this several times, and yes, she did indeed write "what I think is ridiculous is you using imges of young children"... Really? Have you checked your own avatar Candace? You are using the photo of a child to which you have absolutely no connection to! There is a word for you in the English language it is "Hypocrite" "Nothing is more unjust, however common, than to charge with hypocrisy, that expresses zeal for those virtues which she neglects to practice; since she may be sincerely convinced of the advantages of conquering her passions, without having yet obtained the victory," In my language, the word is "pelewichi" to which you, Candace Barnhart do not deserve a translation.

Of course Candace Barnhart was given a chance to remove her comments, but she refused, sending this as a answer: "Candice Barnhart
Too's the truth. Ignoring all of her heritage accept for one aspect is ridiculous. And so is using the image of another child to foster racism."

Now remember, this woman has no idea of who this child is that she has so publically, with vile intent, attacked, with the obvious blessings from the employee of WCBD Television, Haley Hernandez, because you see, Ms. Hernandez also refuses to remove the hate comments about this child from her Facebook page.

Since this incident began on September 10, 2013, more reports have been coming in of other supporters of Matt and Melanie Capobianco of photos with children dressed in their Native outfits being attacked by the same people that are friends with Candice Barnhart, and once I get permission, I will add the photo and comments by these people to this blog.

These kinds of incidents involving obvious hate for Native American children, their culture, and their tradition's are obviously coming from ignorant people. They are ignorant of how Native American people have survived with their cultures intact.

These people have openly supported Matt and Melanie Capobianco, and neither the Capobianco's nor their spokes person from Trio Solutions have stepped forward to denounce these hate comments towards small children. This causes a person to ask themselves, is this the view Veronica would be raised with if she is forced to move to South Carolina with the Capobiancos? Because no matter if she is 1% or 100% Cherokee, she is still a Cherokee child, who has been fully accepted by the Cherokee people, a child who is involved in the Cherokee cultures and traditions, and will always remember dancing with her people. There is nothing that will take this child's memories away, and nothing to prevent her from finding this in the future.

Will this child be raised being made ashamed of the culture she is part of? Will she feel insulted? How is she going to feel when someone says "Well she is only 1%"?

Rest assured, this child, if forced to South Carolina, will know, she is Cherokee, and even those people who yell the 1% and make her feel less than a person, she will be made whole again, when she returns to her people, and she WILL return, and that beautiful little girl in the buckskin dress who was attacked? She will be waiting for Veronica with open arms, back into the Indian community, because that little girl knows that no matter how much blood a Indian has, we are still a Indian community, we are all one family, no matter what tribe one is from